Site Slow



Sep 9, 2006
Is there a reason why the site navigates slowly on my computer when all other sites are not?

I agree the site does not move too fast...but I'm glad to see its at least working for me. How come last weekend the site was down for me? I believe it was down for me a day or two this week too. Is my computer just too much of a piece of junk (I know its not the best in the world anymore) or is it the site?
I don't know if anybody else is having the same problem ,but the site has been really slow for the last week or so !
I try to avoid using the site during the site 9-5 M-F because it is so slow. It can take 4-5 minutes just to read one post. So I was resigned to using the site on weekends. A week last Sunday I was unable to get in (“the page cannot be displayed….”). This past Saturday morning at 7am it was also slow.

When the number of users was displayed, the site was just as slow with 2 users on, as it was with 37 users. Is the web-site host? Does GoDaddy have to go?………

Dave, we all appreciate your hard work….but what can be done? While this is a slow time of year for the site, I have noticed that a lot of regulars have dropped out. I enjoy this site, I would, and I’m sure that many regulars would “pony up” a few bucks to help, if that is what’s needed.

p.s.. Excluding the typing time, it took me over 20 minutes to get in, and register, and post this. And from past experience, if I post successfully, I will get bumped out after I submit it, and have to “run the gauntlet” to try to get back in!
What afishinado said. The site has been excessively slow for over a month, since the latest changes were made. I check back every now and then to see if things are better, but it's too slow to use anymore. I have been a regular visitor and poster for about 6 years, but I'm sad to say that if things don't improve, I'll have to find another fly fishing site to visit regularly, and I'm probably not the only one. That would be a real shame because this is a great site with a lot of great users. I hope the problem can be solved. I'll keep checking back for awhile to see if things get better.
The issues are with GoDaddy and the hosting. It is a shared server. I am going to look at a different service, but it may take a little time. I ask everyone to sit tight and I'll do what I can.

I am a regular member and do enjoy the site

I would be willing to help out with some $$$ if that is what it will take.

I am trying guys. I may have to the site off-line over the weekend. Starting on Friday night I will try some changes.

Well I noticed today the site is really slow once again. The page won't load and keeps saying server can't be located. I was hoping the problem was fixed but I guess not. I love this site because the people are rather knowledgable and the page is being used but the site going down all the time is really annoying.

P.S. What happened to the chatroom?

I am talking to my service provider about the speed. I turned the chat off hoping it would help. Did you use it often?

I was hoping to be able to use the chatroom. If it makes the room move faster then by all means get rid of it but so far I haven't seen an improvement. My computer is slow enough as it is but this site won't even load half the time. Its gota be a headache for ya but good luck and I hope you can get it fixed.
10 pm thursday night...fastest its been in a long time...we'll see how it is tomorrow during the day but its definitely faster for now. thanks
Dave for all your effort in this.

I was on at midnight and it was the fastest I have ever seen it. The same for this morning. Things going well.

The problem, I am fairly certain, is with my hosting comany and the server I am on. It is just over used and there are too many other shared sites on it.

If the slow speed continues I am going to move it to a new service. this will take me a little time. It is not easy to back up the site up and change servers, but I will find a way to get the site right!


I have turned the Chat back on. I don't see it being the cause of the problem. Glad to hear that you like it.

How is it now?
my computer is slow and i'm on dial up but i have to wait around 2 1/2 to 5 minutes for a page to load, whats up...this is the slowest site i visit..
Hey Sandflea; Get rid of that 1950's computer,and you wont have that problem.
sandfly wrote:
my computer is slow and i'm on dial up but i have to wait around 2 1/2 to 5 minutes for a page to load, whats up...this is the slowest site i visit..

I don't know what dial up would do for or "with" a faster computer. If you have over 1ghz processor then your speed is determined by your dial up. You could have a bunch of junk chewing up processor time that you are unaware of. But if other sites are faster...(how fast, give an example)

Over the last few days the site has been much better. Not great but much better. The longest I've had to wait for a page to load is 15 secs. during the day (9-5) right now I am seeing about 2-5 secs. Now I have cable modem service so I understand my speed is probably at the high end.

Dave is looking into more ways to improve the speed which may or may not include moving the site to a new hosting company but for right now things are much , much better.

If it takes 5 mins for a page to load for you and for me it is 25 secs, thats about 12 times longer. Your speed now should be in the neighborhood of a little over a minute during the day or you have other things going on. (12 x 5 =60 secs)

If you are not sure how to check for unwanted programs running, PM me and maybe we can clean up your start menu.

You must be a dry fly fishermen! 2-1/2 to 5 I'd been gone long ago!

My experience is similar to Maurice's.

I'm getting on quicker, and loading pages at about the same rate. I'm running a 1 gz laptop with XP and a cable connection.
Admins - whatever you're doing to speed up this site is working.

Keep up the good work.
