Lancaster PA Smallmouth

Right now, they are all about spawning. Some do it main river while others run up the feeders. From now through mid/late June, they are busy moving, spawning or defending the beds and fry.

Mid/late June, they start to settle in to their summer spots. That is also about when the water starts to really drop and clear so FF becomes effective.

You don't have to toss #2/0 stuff to get big bass interested. Floating line, #4 poppers, clousers, deceivers, sparkle minnows, crayfish patterns, etc. Flies are usually less than 3 - 3.5" You've got a little time before it gets good.
3.5' at Harrisburg is a good indicator for wading. I used to be able to wade all around the Route 30 bridge at 20,000 cfs at the Marietta gage.