What's up with Lehigh Co. stocking?



Active member
Jul 9, 2018
Anyone know what's up with the stocking schedule in Lehigh County? Most or all of the Jordan and Little Lehigh listings are marked as rescheduled from the original dates, but no new dates are listed. The youth fishing day is next week. Unless they stock this week those streams, especially the Jordan will be barren.
All of the Jordan preseason stockings have been taking place as previously scheduled. The final one is tomorrow in Section 06. The only change was the hatchery switch from Bellefonte to Benner Springs.
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Thanks Mike, good to know.
You’re welcome. Just a heads-up that the Jordon is one of the streams that has a developing population of NZ Mudsnails. I haven’t looked closely for them yet, and I don’t know specifically where they were found, but they spread rapidly. I am going to be looking for these tiny critters on occasions when I fish this year. I’d like to see some in the flesh rather than just in pictures.
Just googled em, they are really tiny. I'll be on the lookout for them as well.