>>>What Are You Tying Today? Part VI

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Playing around with all sorts of pheasant feathers. Some sort of pheasant soft hackle streamer type of critter. This one is tied with 100% ringneck pheasant feathers on a size 6 Gamakatsu B10S hook.

Christian Special 1080.JPG

Christian Special

Bass Fly

Tail - Scarlet
Ribbing - Scarlet
Body - White or yellow chenille
Legs - White bucktail or hackle
Wing - White bucktail or calf tail, extra long and set upright
(these erect wing bends down and trails beyond the hook when drawn through the water)
Shoulder - Barred wood duck

Streamcraft - George Parker Holden

Streamcraft - Google Books


Hook - Wet fly

Thread - Black

Tail - Dun hackle

Body - Stripped peacock quill

Hackle - Dun hackle

Wing - Light slate duck or goose quill segments

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Muddler Minnow

Hook - 2X- or 3X-long, sizes 4 through 14
Thread - Black/brown
Tail - Mottled turkey quill sections
Rib - Fine, oval gold tinsel
Body - Medium flat silver tinsel
Underwing - Squirrel tail
Wing - Mottled turkey quill sections
Collar and head - Deer hair (no-trim head technique)

The Practical Fly Tier - Royce Dam

Deer Hair Emerger

Hook - Curved style
Thread - Brown or black
Ribbing - Pearl tinsel
Body - Your favorite-colored dubbing
Wing - Deer Hair
Thorax - Your favorite-colored dubbing

Dam’s Hairwing Caddisfly

Hook - Standard dry-fly hook, sizes 12 through 20
Thread - Black or brown
Body - Light brown wool dubbing
Wing - Deer or elk body hair
Hackle - Grizzly

The Practical Fly Tier - Royce Dam

Ash Fly

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Browm hackle
Body - Light gray floss
Hackle - Brown
Wing - Light slate duck or goose quill segments

Author's Note
Also made - brown floss rib, light slate tail, gray hackle.

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Autumn Dun

Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Black hackle
Ribbing - Yellow floss
Body - Black floss
Hackle - Gray
Wing - Gray turkey

Amateurs Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth


Hook - Wet fly
Thread - Black
Body - Grey floss
Hackle - Gray

Amateur Tyers Fly Dictionary - J E Willmarth

Caddis Emerger

Hook - Dry fly
Thread - Black
Tail - Antron yarn
Body - Olive dubbing
Wing - Elk hair
Thorax - Dark dubbing
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