The Letort: A Limestone Legacy - LAST CHANCE



Apr 3, 2011
This is a collection of essays and reminisces about the world famous trout stream. This is the last printing of the book and when they are gone they are gone. It is available from the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy at You can contact the conservancy through any of the following means:

Central PA Conservancy
401 E. Louther St., Suite 308
Carlisle, PA 17013
(717) 241-4360

If you are a trout angler, a karst geologist, or just someone interested in Pennsylvania history this book should be in your library. Get one now while they are still available.
In addition to being a great little book that deserves a spot on your bookshelf, proceeds from its sale are going towards the CPC's acquisition of the Cress Farm Property at the headwaters of the Letort. And the clock is ticking as they're close to raising the funds they need, great book with a great cause behind it.
tomitrout wrote:
In addition to being a great little book that deserves a spot on your bookshelf, proceeds from its sale are going towards the CPC's acquisition of the Cress Farm Property at the headwaters of the Letort. And the clock is ticking as they're close to raising the funds they need, great book with a great cause behind it.

I'll second this - a good book for a good cause.

Just ordered a copy.
This little book is a gem. It's a must-have for a PA fly fisher!
Is it a hard cover??