The Benchside Introduction to Fly Tying



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
I just got into fly tying and can't say enough about this book! I'm doing a lot learning on my own and this book has been invaluable. I just wanted to share my feedback for any other new tiers out there who might be looking for a good resource... I picked mine up used off of for less than $20 FWIW.

What you want is the Benchside Referance By the same people.
But I'm a "noob"! :)
I have heard good things about that book. The Benchside Reference is also very good. I have and really like their "Tying Emergers" book.
Every NOOB could use it, it has all the ways to tie. Trust me you should have it. I always use mine.
Benchside Reference is a great resource, but I would not recommend it for a primary "learning to tie" instruction manual. Maybe this is the answer to that objection. Learn to tie with Benchside Introduction, perfect your craft with Benchside Reference.
Jack - you're "spot on" with what I read about the two books...