Pinchot Lake



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Dear Board,

This isn't a FF specific post.

I recently purchased a new to me used boat and my fiancee and I enjoy putting around and catching whatever bites. We've fished Memorial Lake and Sweet Arrow Lake several times but we are looking to broaden our horizons and fish other lakes in the mid-State.

I'm asking if people can give me some pointers on Pichot Lake? No spot specific answers are required. Mostly I'm wondering about the condition of the boat ramps and how difficult it might be to launch and recover a 16' V-hulled boat?

I know I can only run my trolling motor at Pinchot and I know it has a reputation for heavy weed growth. Knowing that, I'd appreciate any local knowledge about the better ramps to use to avoid heavy weeds, and/or heavy crowds?

In addition, if anyone wants to suggest an alternate lake I'm all ears. I'd be heading to Pinchot on a Saturday, if that matters? I'd be willing to open my boat for a trip by a "local guide" on a Sunday at Pinchot or anywhere else located within a reasonable drive if you'd be interested?

I've attached a picture of my boat so that you can see what I need to launch and recover and what you can fish out of if you'd like.

I give up, I'll email you a picture of the boat if you want. This is hardest place on Earth to post a picture.


Tim Murphy :)


Pinchot gets heavy tournament pressure from the basscar groups. I'd do some research before to ensure there is not a tournament scheduled before I headed there on a saturday.

With that said, the lake has some big fish, carp and musky in particular. The PFBC says there are stripers there but I've never met anyone who landed one.

i stopped at pinchot early spring, 2012, and the water was way down.

i'm glad it's back up now? i'll have to check this out very soon.

last year i was tearing up the big bluegills and crappie with my 1wt fishing from shore. this lake seemed to have a mud bottom, but still clean water with a lot of life in the lake.

another find for me! it's been a great day for me with new spots to fish!
I tried out my new sit on top kayak there last week. So far, lots of small bluegills, only. I'm still tryin to figure out this warm water thing. I can read a trout stream but lakes...
I think with your boat you would be able to easily launch from any of the ramps. My BIL has a boat similar to yours and has no problems launching w/ his minivan as the tow vehicle. CPR is right the lake is basscar heaven on a weekend. If you want to avoid the major weeds stick to the lower half of the lake, however I have found that the fishing on the upper half is better.

As for patterns senko styles worms and tubes worked well a few years ago. Now I typically use a bobber and worm with my 5yo out of our canoe.
Dear Board,

Thanks everyone, the idea of being there during a tournament isn't really appealing to me.

I'll keep looking for places other than Memorial Lake and Holman Lake to hit. Walker Lake maybe?


Tim Murphy :)
I'm looking to get out on my kayak Sunday. I too, would like to avoid the tourney scene. Hoping it's Saturday's only, really hard to tell by this schedule, but it appears to be Tuesday nights? I may just go to Little Buffalo instead.

@TimMurphy, I haven't been there in years but don't forget Marburg loved going there with my Dad growing up.