New Fly Fisher?



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
I got to introduce a young man from my church to fly fishing for trout yesterday. He had a nice time. I'm pretty sure he'll be hooked for life (so to speak).

Great ! We need all the young people we can get interested in the sport so they can pass on the tradition of flyfishing. Keep up the good work brother.
Two thumbs up!
It's always good to see the young kids getting involved in outdoor activities instead of video games.
Great job!
albatross.........That is so cool. Way to go , the generosity and gift you gave that young man shows on his face in the picture. It just doesn't get any better than that , the feeling you get when you accomplish that is unmatched by anything. Nice job alby.

I have an extra rod hanging around if he needs one. It isn't anything great but it casts line and it taught me how to fly fish when I was about his age. PM me for details.
Thanks for the offer Wsender, but I think I have him outfitted. He's a seventh grader on the short side at maybe 5 foot 2, so I set him up with a 7.5 foot 4 weight that I acquired from Tom Gamber some time ago. I had a Cabelas CSR reel for 4 weight that I wasn't using, and I bought some backing, line, leader, and tippet. I gave him all this along with instructions on how to rig it all together himself. I'm sure he got hours of enjoyment just from the exercise of putting it all together.

I was given a similar treatment from an older fly fisherman when I was around his age. You could say that I took to the fly fishing thing. :lol:

He'll appreciate it forever.
JayL wrote
I was given a similar treatment from an older fly fisherman when I was around his age. You could say that I took to the fly fishing thing.

Perhaps I've created a monster?
:-o :-o :-o
Nice ! Getting another flyfisherman on board.Always good to give back to this sport.May the fish gods smile on you.GG