how many builders out there?



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
with the onset of winter, I find myself with some downtime from jobs, so it's off to my fishing room to build/rebuild rods. last year was the year for bamboo, refinished 4 rods through the winter, great way to spend those snowy days! this year is all fiberglass, refinishing 3 old rods that were given to me and also waiting for a new mcfarland blank to build up.
anyways, just wondering how many others out there are working on rods and what are ya working on?!
I build almost all my fly rods. Never did bamboo, only graphite.
I'm out of business since I bought this house a few years ago, but next winter's project is our attic, which will be designed specifically to be a tying/building room first, guest room second, library third. I have been collecting blanks and components on clearance sales so will resume building next year. My first project will be a 9' 12/13WT for tarpon or for when the salmon river hits 2000cfs. It is a rainshadow that listed at 189 that was on sale for 12.99 a few years back. After that I''ll be picking up an Amtack Matrix blank, probably 9' 3WT. I might restore some of the old 'boo's that people have given me over the years, but that will be a back burner thing for me. I really miss building, but I'm curious as to how long a rod will take to be built with two kids around. LOL.

I've refurbed some older boo rods and built some graphite ones. It's a lot of fun. I am pondering a project for this winter.
I have built before. Would love to do so again, but I just don't have the room in this city apartment. I move in June, and would love to have a building room.
i'm about to start. this winter.. currently wrestling over blank choices.
trowpa wrote:
i'm about to start. this winter.. currently wrestling over blank choices.

The one disadvantage about building a rod is unless you get a blank from a mfg and model of rod you are familiar with, you never know if you really will like the rod until it's built. Also some mfg do not sell blanks for their rods. The upside is some blanks are really nice and can't be purchased as finished rods.
Afish - i know! That is sooo frustrating. I want to be able to cast these blanks first! I'm looking at the Dan Craft blanks... everyone raves about them, but how can i get my hands on one to try to be sure i'll like it? Its an expensive gamble. Even if i sell it later if i don't like it - i'll have invested a lot of time.
I've also heard a lot of good thing about Dan Craft. Ask around and someone may have one they built. You can rely on opinion, but fast and slow, heavy and light, etc. are really subjective terms with FFers.

If you do take someone's opinion, ask what type of rod/model they prefer and fish with. If they tell you a Winston WT is sizzzling fast, or a Sage Z-axis is too slow, than you know from what perspective they are coming from. Good luck with whatever blank you choose.
I just finished a spinning rod for a friend last weekend. I have plans to build a 7' 4wt or 5wt for wild brookie fishing after finally breaking my "beater" rod last year. That rod was a 7' 6" 5wt and I really liked the stiffness of it for those short casts where I had little room to move. I'm thinking about going with the 4wt and overlining it.
I have done. If you have patience so can you. If you can tie flies you can do it. If you don;t mind making mistakes then backtracking and doing it over, you can do it.
I have a few lined up to be built sometime soon. I have a 2wt that is in progress, and a Rainshadow RX7 blank to build a 13' float rod. My brother gave me a Lamiglas blank for Christmas which will be a 7' UL spinning rod for smallmouth.
I have several bamboo rods on the bench in various stages:
(2) 8’9” 7 wts
8’9” spinning rod (yes, spinning rod for high water smallmouth fish)

(4) 6’ bait casting rods (yes, bait casting 3 for kids and one for the school auction)
8’3” 4 wt
7’ 2” 4 wt

Joe E
I've built several dan craft, sig Vs and FTs. FTs are fast (think Sage XP). I prefer the Sig Vs. Light but moderate. Some of the best blanks out there at any price. The Sig Vs, Scott Fs, and Batsons RX8+ have been my favorite rods I've built so far.....

In the hopper for this winter (If I have time):

Redo of a 7ft 3wt Diamondglass (guides stripped)
9ft 6-7-8 Anglersmail Fiberglass Sceptre (all but the finish)
7ft 4wt Diamondglass (seat and handle turned already)
9 1/2 ft Batson RX7+ and RX8+ 7wts for ohio steelhead this spring (no progress)
OhioOutdoorsman wrote:
I've built several dan craft, sig Vs and FTs. FTs are fast (think Sage XP).

I just casted a few rods yesterday - 9' 5wt xp was one of them and I really liked it. It was fast, but i could still feel the line (if that makes any sense). Would you say the 9' 5wt FT would be similar? Have you tried the FTXL 9' 5wt?
Steve - This is the rod builder I was telling you about:

Give him a call - tell him you heard he's a very good singer.
His rendition of Jingle Bells is priceless! :lol:

Seriously, his workmanship is unbelievable.

is the price unbelieveable too ?
semi-professional builder. I say "semi" because you can't make a decent living at it so I have to keep a bill paying job also. I'd say 80% of my builds this past year were spinning rods but I do enough fly rods to keep it interesting.
I enjoy helping out new builders as much as anything so if anyone has any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
I don't want to be a spammer so if anyone is interested in my website they can send me a PM.

Ed- I'm gonna build the rod myself. If i hire someone, it'll end up costing me close to a factory rod - even if i go with a cheaper blank. Just looking for someone that builds on Dan Craft blanks as I need help choosing between FT and FTXL (if I'll even like one of those). I really liked that XP - sure hope one of those blanks come close!