Fly-Tying Meet-Up in Berks County on February 4th


Active member
Feb 17, 2011
Hello, fellow fly-tyers, and “wanna be” tyers. I’m arranging a fly-tying meet-up for Saturday, February 4th. The plan is to meet at Schaylor Brewing Company in Shillington, PA at 12 noon. I spoke with one of the managers about occupying a couple tables, and he was fine with it. He just asked that I let him know approximately how many people would be there. If you plan to attend, please chime in on here or message me to let me know. We can share some of our favorite patterns and stories over a couple beverages. All levels are welcome. If you’ve never tied before and want to come and learn, I’ll bring an extra vise and materials. If you do not tie and want to join us for the camaraderie, please feel free.

If I missed something or you have any questions, just let me know. I’m looking forward to seeing or meeting you there!

Count me in. I'm sure that you've heard the term "cabin fever" before, well my house is SICK of me! I'm looking forward to meeting you all and putting a face to your names and I'm particularly looking forward to shaking your hand Dave for all your support on my swaps here on the site.

I’m in. Looking forward to meeting everyone. Thanks, zenherper for organizing an event like this. I’ve been to a number of them over the years and they can be a lot of fun.
My pleasure. It should be a great time.
Count me in. I'm sure that you've heard the term "cabin fever" before, well my house is SICK of me! I'm looking forward to meeting you all and putting a face to your names and I'm particularly looking forward to shaking your hand Dave for all your support on my swaps here on the site.

Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you, Kim.
What was I thinking!!? Chris, I do thank you for all the work that you put into this fine project and making it a reality. I'm getting old so I overlook the simplest and most obvious things!

What was I thinking!!? Chris, I do thank you for all the work that you put into this fine project and making it a reality. I'm getting old so I overlook the simplest and most obvious things!

Thanks, Kim. My pleasure. No need for thanks. I’m just looking forward to fun afternoon of tying and camaraderie.
I'll bring a few of my ugly ties and even tie a few there as well. I've got about 30 patterns that I stole, I mean developed these from just BC to today (BC = before COVID!).


And I'll bring a couple extra vices, err... I mean vises along with me as well. Maybe we can simply collar some people that just happen to be there and shaghi them into tying!

I'll bring a few of my ugly ties and even tie a few there as well. I've got about 30 patterns that I stole, I mean developed these from just BC to today (BC = before COVID!).


And I'll bring a couple extra vices, err... I mean vises along with me as well. Maybe we can simply collar some people that just happen to be there and shaghi them into tying!

You think your ties are ugly, mine will fall apart before they make it to the fly box.
I'll bring a few of my ugly ties and even tie a few there as well. I've got about 30 patterns that I stole, I mean developed these from just BC to today (BC = before COVID!).


And I'll bring a couple extra vices, err... I mean vises along with me as well. Maybe we can simply collar some people that just happen to be there and shaghi them into tying!

Should I just bring my fly swap flys with me to this? I could just hand them off with a SASE and save me some postage.
The only problem is that the due date for the flies will be 9 days later so I probably won't have all the flies on hand by then. A nice idea though! I'd trade beer and bull sessions to save postage! 😉 I can bring my 3 patterns down to share with you if that helps with your swap box issues.


SORRY, I misread what you wrote! Sure, you can give ME your flies at this meeting of the minds and yes, this will save you some postage. And as you can see, mine won't be one of the strongest minds there! 🙄
It looks like we will have a crew of five, unless anybody else feels like joining in on the fun. I’m going to call Schaylor on Thursday with a headcount and a reminder that we will be there. If anybody who said they were coming can’t make it, just let us know. I’m looking forward to it.