Drugs in Bonefish



Staff member
Jan 24, 2016
We have discussed for years here on this forum about the problems with smallmouth bass in the Susquehanna. Over time, the problem of pharmaceuticals in waste water showing up in various fishes has grown into a part of this discussion. Such drugs are widespread in bass in the Mid-Atlantic rivers. Studies are finding these drugs in salmon as well.

Now we have additional evidence that this problem exists in bonefish in south Florida. . .
Drugs go into the body. Body pees into the pot. Flush the pot into the sewer. Sewer treats the waste. (to a degree) Waste gets pumped back into the sea/river/lake. This shouldn't surprise anyone. Pollution is Pollution. Doesn't matter how many detours it takes.
I also found this article a while back. In the article it states the levels found in the fish were at "therapeutic levels" which tells me the problem is more likely to be people flushing meds down the toilet than minute
amounts excreted from people taking these drugs. Anyway, it's pretty eye-opening. I'm sure it also happens around here all the time. I've read plenty of articles about the same thing happening in the Susky. No excuse for anyone not disposing of meds the proper way.