Utica Shale



Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
Here is a question for the group; if you signed a gas lease does it include Utica gas as well?
yep. Mineral rights... covers oil, gas, coal, gold, etc. Unless in the lease (and each gas company is different when writing the leases) specifically states only the Marcellus or Utica, etc.

I know that Chesapeake in Bradford Co. only stipulates that they would drill for the Marcellus (in certain areas).

But you need to read the fine print in any lease you may sign.
better to let a lawyer read that fine print.
Agreed bikerfish!!
Yeah, depends on the lease agreement. There are a couple of Utica wells here in Butler County already. Biggest difference is the Marcellus is wet gas, Utica is dry gas - most companies are sticking with marcellus for now because they can make more off of the by-products.
Actually, The Marcellus is wet in the very southwest portion of the state and dry in the northcentral and north east, but it is still to early to say exactly where the cutoffs are. Chesapeake seems to think the Utica is wet in Ohio and dries this way but to few wells drilled to accurately say just yet.

as for leases, these wells are drilled on large units that are made up of many different sized leases. so you can be included with any size amount of acreage. Your royalty will be whatever your percentage of acreage is.
The main issue with the Utica is its over mature through most of its extent. Organic matter matures into hydrocarbons by a combination of heat, pressure and time. The Marcellus, although an oil prone soure rock, is in the late stage of maturity, producing mostly gas where its more deeply buried, with some liquids where its shallower. The Utica is older and deeper, so its been in an even hotter oven about 60 million years longer. Through most of PA at least, its burnt to a crisp. Going northwest into OH though, the Utica is not as deeply buried, so its still has some hydrocarbon potential. But as one of the old timers used to say, 'dry as a popcorn fart.'
a well near me in portersville is supposed to be a utica well, they are going to cap it off after drilling though, someone told me a pipeline doesn't exist in the area for it yet, not sure if that's accurate, but that is what I was told.