Spring Jam - '14



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
I ask this every year, but are there any thoughts on the dates for the 2014 Spring Jam? The reason I ask is that I have to submit most of my vacation time for next year by the end of this month and I like to make sure I get my picks. If next year follows previous years, it would be May 16-18 (third weekend in May).
Afer the Florida mid winter jam.
After graduation! I think I graduate May 11th or something. I may spring for an extended stay this year and pass it off as a gradumation present.
Sweet Squatch, congrats. I've already got my cabin for the jam, I was the first call she made out. I'm ready can't wait!
What dates did you book?!?!?! :-D
Maybe my graduation present will be to make my first big jam. We'll see.
We tentatively booked May 17th & 18th. Same dates as this past springs. When a solid date is made if it's different she'll move the booking date.
The 2014 Jam will be the weekend of May 16-18 at Seven Mountains Campground.
Dave W
I like the dates. See you all there. GG
Well alright, cabin #73 May 16th-17th here we come!!
Thanks Dave. I'll get this on the calendar and pray for conditions like last spring offered...
And like hatches would be sweet as well!

I'm going try my hardest to make it this year. I missed the last two and I really missed seeing you guys, I always enjoyed the Jam's, for a few we had the morning coffee at my camper at Hemlock. When the jam's started getting big, they keep me moving in the AM but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Paul G