Possible problem at Valley Creek (again!)



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I had a few anglers report (and got a phone call about reporting it to the DEP as it was happening) that Valley Creek in the Park was running clear yesterday afternoon and suddenly turned to a chocolate milk color. I have not heard or read about any problem. I assume it had something to do with the construction of a new pipeline along the stream. Does anyone have any info on the incident?
I sure hope it's not a serious situation, Valley has been through enough over the years.
I fished valley creek yesterday afternoon. I was up above the park in chester valley. However I was above the sewer pipe about half a mile. As I was walking back to my car. I ran into another angler that said his buddy was fishing in the park and all of a sudden the water turned into chocolate milk. I couldn't find any news articles about this but suspect they want to keep it on the DL.
My correct. I was in chester Springs.
Zephyr - maybe you mean Yellow Springs Rd. Chester Springs is pretty far away. I'll check in with my fellow VFTU members and try to get some info.
AndyP wrote:
Zephyr - maybe you mean Yellow Springs Rd. Chester Springs is pretty far away. I'll check in with my fellow VFTU members and try to get some info.

AndyP - I sent you a PM.
Lol, I'm terrible with names. But I think I got it right this time, Chester brook. Right off of 202.
The sewer line project is in full swing. Exposing the "boxes" under ground means a hole with feet moving making mud and pumps dewatering the hole. It is not a perfect world. Sometimes the silt bags get overwhelmed. A muddy stream is better than what happens when the sewer line fails.... 3 times now. It will get better, but will take some time.
Shad - it very well could be from the sewer re-lining project and I was not there to see how "chacolately" the water became. That being said, proper erosion and sedimentation controls should be in place and in good working condition. I guess I know where my morning stroll will take me tomorrow.
I was up there on Friday and it appears to be driven by the construction. They dug out a 5 x 10 ft hole by about a mile above the covered bridge in the park about 1/4 mi below the PATP overpass and for some reason are pumping water out of the stream into temporary bladders which is overflowing and the run off is going back into the stream which is causing the color. Where it is running back in is still an off color but I'm guessing the initial runoff had a bigger impact on the clarity.
has it been reported to DEP (confirmed)? It's unclear from the first post.

"into temporary bladders which is overflowing and the run off is going back into the stream which is causing the color. "

this is a violation that should be fixed. Even if it has subsided for now, reporting it will also cause greater monitoring throughout the project. DEP has intervened a few times when silt control measures failed during construction near the little J. It also helps to report it to PAFBC also.

Internet posts are useless.
The silt bags or bladders as some are calling them are being used when they are dewatering the holes that they have dug to pull the new sewer lines. The water will never pass thru the silt bag and exit crystal clear. There will be discolored water at times. No major issue at this point. That being said, if your fishing in the area of the sewer work please keep an eye on things and let the proper Agencies know if something doesn't look right. It can't hurt.
This makes sense. They are pumping water out of the hole and the bags serve to clarify the water before it goes into the stream.

The runoff I observed coming out of the silt bags was 99% clear and most was going back into the stream via a hose but there was a some runoff that was going through the grass and trickling over the ledge just above the big log by the lafayette estate causing some discoloration. I don't think its a major issue at this point.
I fished valley again today. They were working on the sewer line right near were the metal bridge in the park is located. Below there, the water was chocolate milk. Above there, the water was clear. The dirty water is coming from water that is being pumped out the wholes they are digging. I think that whenever they are doing any type of earth moving, the water is too dirty to be properly filtered before it enters the creek. They have dug holes down stream of there also. At every one of the wholes, they have pumps keeping them from filling with water. If they are not actively working at any of those spots, the water going into the creek is clear. I think this is going to continue happening for as long as they are working on the sewer line. Every time they dig, the creek will get muddy from that point downstream until they stop for the day.



I actually caught more fish in that muddy water then I did in the clear water up stream.
when the earth is b0mbed and we are all gone,trout will thrive in valley.
I recently heard there's an ongoing problem with the sewer line on Valley Creek, that they are re-lining the pipe and a break occurred.

Shakey, so true. That's the toughest little stream in the state.

Chaz - the relining is to replace a very corrupted 30" force main. It has broken 3 times in the last 2 years and the result is millions of gallons of sewage into Valley. The stream may be a bit muddy now and again during the repair work but it will be a major upgrade.