Lehigh Gorge camping



Well-known member
Jan 31, 2008
Lebanon, PA
Lookin at a family trip with a 1 and a half year old and the in laws to the area. Not primarily a fishing trip, though I may get out some, but I already generally know the streams. So stream help isn't necessary.

Looking for a good campground for tents. So not looking for all the bells and whistles for RV's, or that feeling of being packed in like most RV parks do. Looking more for a spread out, woodsy feel. Primitive is ok but not required. This is about having the kiddo have his first camping experience.

In-laws are bikers (as in pedal bikes) and want reasonable access to the gorge trail (ok if we have to drive a short distance to do it, but no more than a few minutes). We may rent one of those caboose bike thingies and take the little guy too.

Which end of the trail is more scenic?

The public one we're looking at is Hickory Run. Anyone have a campground review on it? I've been to the park to fish but never seen the campground itself. Seems huge but nice based on reviews, with a nice sized tent only area that's fairly woodsy. I'm sure there's a billion private ones nearby, too. Any stand out?
I've camped at Hickory Run State Park in a tent, and I thought it was a very nice campground.

BTW, there is a "photo point" overlooking the gorge that is shown on the state park map. It looks over the river down a little ways from where Black (Hayes) Creek comes into the river.

I was there at dusk and the view upriver was stunning. It's worth taking a little time to check that out, and take your camera along.
gaeronf wrote:

Shane, that was the place you had your all-male birthday party at right? Sorry I couldn't come...

Ok....so now you have me confused......why would you be sorry you couldn't come to this made up all male birthday party? Lol O Gaeron
SBecker wrote:
gaeronf wrote:

Shane, that was the place you had your all-male birthday party at right? Sorry I couldn't come...

Ok....so now you have me confused......why would you be sorry you couldn't come to this made up all male birthday party? Lol O Gaeron

The apology was sarcastic. Sometimes I try to be funny but I guess I should leave that to you and gfen? My apologies for taking this thread off topic!
I've camped at hickory run state park, and thought it was a nice place also. Didn't see any nudists - but there were lots of signs around urging campers to be careful with food, because of the many bears in the area. Made my wife a little uneasy

We biked the whole gorge - and it was all pretty nice from what I remember. And I also recall that the lehigh river was too warm for trout when we were there, in early sept. I did hit some smaller streams though