Joe Humphreys documentary



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA

Very nice article about Joe H and his life in a documentary filmed about him and recently showed in the Philly area >

There was a screening in State College in January and this one in West Chester, but no others scheduled. It would be nice to get one in the general Philly area. I guess they need a venue to support them. There are lots of small theaters that would be perfect. Ambler Theater, Ritz in Philly and Colonial Theater in Phoenixville come to mind.

I assume after the screenings are over this will be released onto DVD? I think that is the usual process.

Live the Stream
A most enjoyable night!! Well worth seeing at any cost! I am sure it will be making the rounds so catch it when you can. The man is a living legend. A big thanks for bringing it to West Chester, very well done! Thanks PeteL
I agree with timbow and CRB. He turned out to be a sellout. So sad.
I can’t understand why Joe gets a “free pass” for his actions by so many in the fly fishing community.
Nope, I kept bashing them on social media about it and they kept deleting my comments. Finally gave me a refund which was fine with me since I donated before I knew about Joe’s involvement with Homewaters.
Saw this in SC it was good.
timbow wrote:
I can’t understand why Joe gets a “free pass” for his actions by so many in the fly fishing community.
What types of things has he done? I’ve only been around Joe one time and that was on Yellow Breeches circa 1991. It was real crowded that day. We had been on Kettle when it turned into a soupy mess. We called fly shops across the state and YB was the only clear stream we could find.

Needless to say the stretch was very crowded that day. I was 27 years old and was fishing midges when Joe walked in pretty close above me. This was during the time frame when word began to circulate through the fly fishing community that fighting fish to exhaustion needed to be avoided. So he got on me every time I hooked a fish on my 1.5 lb tippet. I think he expected me to hook a fish and then purposely break the line to end the fight. I couldn’t pull them across the top water like he did with his heavy nymphing rig. Now he was correct but he also was annoying since I felt like my only option was to leave the stream and start my 4 hr drive home.

Is that the type of thing you are alluding to or is it bigger than that?
Prospector wrote:
timbow wrote:
I can’t understand why Joe gets a “free pass” for his actions by so many in the fly fishing community.
What types of things has he done? I’ve only been around Joe one time and that was on Yellow Breeches circa 1991. It was real crowded that day. We had been on Kettle when it turned into a soupy mess. We called fly shops across the state and YB was the only clear stream we could find.

Needless to say the stretch was very crowded that day. I was 27 years old and was fishing midges when Joe walked in pretty close above me. This was during the time frame when word began to circulate through the fly fishing community that fighting fish to exhaustion needed to be avoided. So he got on me every time I hooked a fish on my 1.5 lb tippet. I think he expected me to hook a fish and then purposely break the line to end the fight. I couldn’t pull them across the top water like he did with his heavy nymphing rig. Now he was correct but he also was annoying since I felt like my only option was to leave the stream and start my 4 hr drive home.

Is that the type of thing you are alluding to or is it bigger than that?

Joe is a known supporter of the Homewaters Club, which is the club that tried to close a section of the Little Juniata so that only members of their club could fish it. They also do the same on Spruce Creek(and other streams across the country) where they stock large fish and have feeders along the stream so their members can come to catch big dumb pellet pigs.

Joe was also very vocal about his opposition to the PFBC discontinuing the stocking of a section of Penn's Creek that has been shown to support a Class A wild population. He's a member of the Union County Sportsman's Club that has a coop nursery with the PFBC for the stocking of this section.

A common pattern is to raise certain people up to near demi-god status.

Then to tear them down and demonize them.

You see this pattern not only with well known flyfishers, but also with musicians, athletes, movie actors, and just about any field imaginable.

The same pattern probably exists in the worlds of model airplane builders, and stamp collectors.

Once you recognize that pattern, you place less importance on either phase.

You recognize that neither the adulation phase or the contempt phase is very reality-based.

I met Beav in person listened to his sepal about saving streams,,,,,,
He closed down 3 sections of steelhead streams on LE. Finally the state has won with the Gilmore property.
But, He profited his business on the backs of us, the free loader club.
Using the fish the free loaders purchased and closed down sections of streams by enticing stream owners money and protection from the free loaders. both Joe and Lefty were members and probably did not have to buy in with a down payment like the others but they dis contribute to the mystique of the Homewaters Club. Both could have chosen the other route but did not.
There is a difference between "selling-out" and siding with the devil.

Selling out to profit from your skills, time and expertise is one thing....

Becoming morally bankrupt for the almighty dollar is another.
CRB: I agree 100% with what you said. Except he calls us the "free lunch crowd".
I know Joe, I knew George, I knew the next in line and the next at Penn State. Fellow's these boy's went with it. They supported fly fishing and made a life of it. I sometimes disagreed with their methods. By hook or crook the boy's were going to win.

Right place at the right time. All I can say. Gentlemen, as I would describe these fellows. Intelligent , forward, deserving, well defined in social and political statue.

I praise what they have done for fly fishing. Well who in the hell has not heard, Humphries, Harvey, etc. etc.

These gentlemen are do the most respect for what they have accomplished. A sellout? Why not! It will always be a sellout. I am 63 and would think Joe is in late 70's.

You have to know these fellows good enough to stand aside. They are the boss and you are the employee.

Listen and learn. Soon, Joe will be gone, like all the others. I was lucky to have lived in a time when so many "greats " were among us
maxima12 wrote:
I know Joe, I knew George, I knew the next in line and the next at Penn State. Fellow's these boy's went with it. They supported fly fishing and made a life of it. I sometimes disagreed with their methods. By hook or crook the boy's were going to win.

Right place at the right time. All I can say. Gentlemen, as I would describe these fellows. Intelligent , forward, deserving, well defined in social and political statue.

I praise what they have done for fly fishing. Well who in the hell has not heard, Humphries, Harvey, etc. etc.

These gentlemen are do the most respect for what they have accomplished. A sellout? Why not! It will always be a sellout. I am 63 and would think Joe is in late 70's.

You have to know these fellows good enough to stand aside. They are the boss and you are the employee.

Listen and learn. Soon, Joe will be gone, like all the others. I was lucky to have lived in a time when so many "greats " were among us
Maxi, are you a drinker?
wildtrout2 wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
I know Joe, I knew George, I knew the next in line and the next at Penn State. Fellow's these boy's went with it. They supported fly fishing and made a life of it. I sometimes disagreed with their methods. By hook or crook the boy's were going to win.

Right place at the right time. All I can say. Gentlemen, as I would describe these fellows. Intelligent , forward, deserving, well defined in social and political statue.

I praise what they have done for fly fishing. Well who in the hell has not heard, Humphries, Harvey, etc. etc.

These gentlemen are do the most respect for what they have accomplished. A sellout? Why not! It will always be a sellout. I am 63 and would think Joe is in late 70's.

You have to know these fellows good enough to stand aside. They are the boss and you are the employee.

Listen and learn. Soon, Joe will be gone, like all the others. I was lucky to have lived in a time when so many "greats " were among us
Maxi, are you a drinker?

I assume heavily....

As far as the argument that I constantly hear "Joe has done so much for fly fishing". Joe was also compensated for almost ALL of the work he has done. He didn't write books, do show appearances, conduct seminars and teach out of the goodness of his heart. It was done to make a buck, which I have no problem with, but to put him up on some kind of pedestal, give me a break.
Last I saw Joe was years ago (over 10) on yellow breeches and he asked me to leave? He had clients and it was worth the agreement which I knew I would have lost anyway. I moved up to the run and fished. I stay away from him if he is at a show.