Gifts For Landowners

"Not really welcome is likely accurate. Don't expect the guy to be happy that you are there. He is likely just tolerating your presence."

FarmerDave is correct.

go find a property with better vibe's, everybody happy.

One thing is certain, if you are fishing a tossing them back they would think that is strange.
If you want to be in their good graces, keep a couple of fish and take the fish to them, that is your gift to them and they will appreciate it.
clean them at the stream first though huh,
If he was a young man 16-25ish he probably has his own side business going on at the farm. It could be that he's growing sweet corn, pumpkins, mums, fruit etc... I deal with young Menonites a lot in my business and this is what they do. The parents give them a side business, seperate from the farm, to operate so that they can learn how to run a business. Find out what he does, and have cash ready!!!
you mean to tell me no Lebanon levi jokes after 3 pages of posts?

he must be pledging the young ones into the mafia.

chasing off fisherman with oars in a boat was on their list.
Who is Lebanon Levi?
Amish mafia TV show...x
Never saw it.
bigslackwater wrote:
If he was a young man 16-25ish he probably has his own side business going on at the farm. It could be that he's growing sweet corn, pumpkins, mums, fruit etc... I deal with young Menonites a lot in my business and this is what they do. The parents give them a side business, seperate from the farm, to operate so that they can learn how to run a business. Find out what he does, and have cash ready!!!

Excellent advice especially if it is near where you live.

Young Amish couple down the road. We have been hiring their two oldest girls to clean house while my wife was nursing a sore back. It is actually set up like a small business and we heard about it through a friend who had hired them. Also hired some of their younger ones to pick up walnuts in my back yard one Saturday for a couple hours. Hopefully I didn't break any child labor laws :roll: But they loved it.

The little boy was asking about the pond and you should have seen him light up when I asked him if he wanted to fish.

Wife's back is better, but we are still hiring the older girls to come and clean every 2 to 3 weeks. They do excellent work and can move the furnature easier than she can... It's fairly cheap, so what the hell.
