Furled leaders



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
How many of you guys are using furled leaders? I was just shown these today (in the package, not on the water) and the benefits of them seem pretty impressive. Having one leader for a line weight and just tying tippet on seems pretty attractive. So what is the downside? There has to be something or there wouldn't be any knotless tapered leaders (of which I just bought a leader wallet and a bunch of leaders).

So let me hear your thoughts on furled leaders!
I love them. Bought one 3 years ago, only started using it this year. While you can just tie tippet off of it, mine are 4-6 foot long, and I do not tie only tippet on them. According to the rig I still "taper" off the leader. Mine have that very small metal O ring.

They turn flies over very well. Cast quite well. Don't make the same noise coming off the water.

I fish with a guide that does not like them because they have less stretch than mono leaders which can lead to more breakoffs on fine tippets. The day I fished with him I caught a 24" brown on 6x. I caught lots of 20" plus fish, no breakoffs for me.

I think you will like them. Don't do like I did and buy one and only to put it in a vest pocket. Go ahead and use it.
I've fished furled leaders for several years. NEVER had a problem with 'the stretch issue' or breaking off.

They are the bees knees - Send me a PM and I'll build one for you to your specs and you can try it.

I have some that are over 4 years old and still going strong.
I have never used them because I dont understand the rationale for their use, and since I am also very cheap, I will not pay up for them.

When I read about these it is usually some discussion of small flies for dry fly situations. The idea is that they turn over the small dry fly better. Probably true. However, since when was turning over a dry fly well a good idea? You want slack, not great turnover.

But to each his own and if it works well by all means go for it.
I make my own furled leaders. They work great! I make a loop on the end and step down from 3x to the tippet. I can adjust the finished length to what I need for the stream. I never had any issue breaking off fish with them. They are a lot more supple than mono leaders, no curly Qs or leader staightening needed. They give me a better drift with less drag, IMO. Also, I am able to lay out a fly when need to, or execute a slack cast easier with my furled leader. Give them a try!

DGC wrote: "When I read about these it is usually some discussion of small flies for dry fly situations. The idea is that they turn over the small dry fly better. Probably true. However, since when was turning over a dry fly well a good idea? You want slack, not great turnover"

DGC, I just read your comment. I agree 100% that laying out a straight leader is usually not what you want to achieve a drag-free drift. A supple furled leader CAN turn over a fly well OR execute a slack cast if needed. I'm a fanatic about getting a drag-free drift. The furled leader works best for me by a large margin. I've made my own knotted mono leaders and fished them for years. The butt end of a mono leader is stiff like a spring, the butt end of a furled leader is as limp as Tim Murphy's lasagna noodles. The furled leader depends on mass and not stiffness to turn over a fly. Stiff mono in the current tends to drag a fly, while the limp furled leader goes with the flow. Also, it's very easy to dump slack all the way up to the butt with a furled leader. Try one and see if it's not true for you.

Good luck.
I've fished a little with furled leaders - I like them.

Regarding the "stretch" issue: I've read in numerous sources that one of the great advantages of furled leaders is that they stretch more than mono tapered leaders and help to protect fine tippets.

And my experience is that you can use a longer tippet with a furled leader, because it will turn it over better than a tapered mono-leader.

This also helps with the stretch issue - because a longer tippet will stretch more than a shorter one.
I have been using them for a number of years and I use them exclusivly. Bass, salt, trout, nymphing, musky. Easy to use, tippet changes a breeze. I use the one from FeatherCraft with the small metal O-ring and they last forever. At 12.95, perhaps they are pricy, but I have ones i have been using for 5 years.
Interesting points. Next time I run into someone using one, I'll ask them to give me a rundown/demo on their use.
Thanks for the feedback thus far. It sounds like a lot of people have had and continue to have positive experiences with them. I wish I had known about them prior to filling a leader wallet with 3X-6X knotless tapered leaders in 7 1/2' and 9' lengths...

The ability to just change out tippet and easily change the length and function of the leader is pretty attractive to me. The furled leader I was shown had the little "O" ring at the end, so a simple knot would do the trick for tying on.