Frustrated Land Owner

I didn't accuse people of "missing the real issue" or any such thing. I just noted that irresponsible behavior is mundane, whereas the sub-topic about the dangers of condoning illegalities on your land was equally deserving of people's interests.

I didn't see anyone blaming the landowner for the issue of irresponsibilty of the guest. I did see a few concerned posters wanting to comment on the statement portraying the landowner as condoning illegal activities.

Let's try this:

"The landowner caught the kids keeping more than their legal limit. He told them it was OK, so long as they cleaned up after themselves."

Do you think people should not comment about that?
Jack please, the horse is already dead.
Foxgap239 wrote:
To give you an example, I was fishing this Saturday at a local stream and came back to my car, parked in a preserve lot to find slices of pizza stuck in my door handle and under my windshield wiper. Please explain to me where that comes from ....

If I had to guess, I'd say it came from a pizza shop.

Evidently it wasn't very good pizza, either.