Yellow Caddis?



New member
Aug 3, 2020
Was fishing the Laurel highlands day today and saw a lot of yellow bugs flying around that I thought were caddis, however are there yellow caddis? Looking through Google images, the closest match that I can find are yellow sally stoneflies. Do stoneflies come off in June?
There are yellow caddis though the ones I know are more of a creamy yellow. Yellow Sallies would be a better bet, along with Lime Sallies. Both could be around now. I am not familiar with that stream so this is very generic.
There are yellow sallies around now. They are small.

There are also Golden Stoneflies around now, which are big.
These were around size 16
Yellow Sallies, being stoneflies have a double wing... When fluttering in the air...sort of like a biplane.
VictoryLights wrote:
These were around size 16

They were probably yellow sallies, which are small yellow stoneflies.

This time of year and through the summer, flies with yellow bodies are often good.


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