CONCERN: Honey & Kish Creek



Active member
Jul 7, 2021
I was fishing a lower section of honey this past weekend and a local spin fisherman stopped to have a friendly conversation with me. One part of our conversation has stuck with me though. He stated that there is a quarry upstream that is dumping their wash waste into homey and that he will see massive plumes of concrete/rock waste come down the river at times and flow into kish. I think he said the name is Hallman Quarry or something? The guy has apparently been called out tons of times but nothing has formally been accomplished. Anyone know anything about this? If it’s true that is very concerning.
If you see a pollution event as described call DEP to report an environmental complaint and call the appropriate PFBC office to report as well. If authorities are not notified of issues, little can be done.
If you see a pollution event as described call DEP to report an environmental complaint and call the appropriate PFBC office to report as well. If authorities are not notified of issues, little can be done.
Yes I am aware of that. I did not personally see this though. I’m asking in here to see if anyone else has seen this event happen or has heard of it. If someone can confirm then I will make the call. I don’t want to call if this guy has some personal vendetta agains the company for non-environmentally related reasons
That was definitely a problem in the past (1990s). Whether it is still a problem in more recent times, I don't know.
Dear Schaefer406,

The are several quarries on the upper end of Honey Creek. Two are active but the problem, if there is one, may actually come from abandoned quarry land. Honey Creek does have dry spots during low flows and big rain events may flush water from caves to the surface.

You can find the locations of quarries by county at this page from the DEP.


Tim Murphy :)