Cabela's Three Forks/Prestige Plus/CSR.



Sep 9, 2006
Does anyone know anything about the Cabela's Three Forks rod and the Prestige Plus and CSR reels? I'm going to pick up a cheaper 3wt or 4wt outfit and am considering the 7'6 3wt Cabela's Three Forks rod with the Prestige Plus or CSR reel. Any insight?
7'6 3wt Cabela's Three Forks rod is great. I fish a lot of very small streams and love small rods. A buddy of mine brought one over one day for me to cast without telling me where it was from or how much it cost. I drove up to Cabela's the next chance I got to buy one. Turned another friend on to it also. Great inexpensive rod for bushwhacking. Don't know anything about the reels. I use an old Ross for my 3-wts. Strong endorsement from me.
Check out the post labeled "cabelas reels", it seemed like the general consensus was the prestige plus. I just ordered one and hope to try it out in the next week or two.
I have a three forks as a back up. Nice and smooth, loads well close in. Have had to use it for the last two months while I'm repairing my main rod that broke on a big brown. Moderate action, doesn't have much in the tank for longer casts but is a lot of rod for the money.

Many say the 7'6" 3wt is the gem of the series.

Only knock on the prestige plus is that its a little heavy in the lighter weights but should balance that rod OK. Otherwise, a dynamite favorite design. Holds tons of line....consider 30lb backing.

The CSR is junk IMO, have had two friends have 3 CSRs between them, all broken now after less than a years use between the three of them. Drag binds up. The reel/spool is also very susceptable to denting/bending.
For about the same money you could also buy a Ross Flycast at, instead of the cabelas reels. I think your total would be a little higher than for the Prestige package, but less than the CSR.

I just bought the Flycast 1, and it seems like a much more solid reel than my CSR. I've had the CSR since november, and its spool is already wobbling on the arbor.