Wild Brown Trout and Special Regs

Chaz wrote:
I have given up on stating that any stream I fish is a favorite stream, the only favorite that I have is the stream I'm fishing that day.

There are only 3 streams that I have fished this year that are "Approved Trout Waters" and I'm only sure that 1 of them is opened during the "Extended Season." Therefore unless these guys were fishing Pine Creek in Gods Country, they were illegaly harvesting trout, because Wild Trout Streams are strictly C & R after Labor Day.
I was talking about the West Branch Perkiomen. I know you have been very involved in conservation on the WB. I was just avoiding naming the stream, but I guess there was no reason not to identify it.

This occurred this June or July, so it was during the season.

I was just trying to make the point, from personal experience, that there are cases where wild trout harvest by a relative few CAN ruin fishing for the majority who don't harvest, especially in the more populated or popular areas (although it can be the case anywhere). So what's the big deal with having greater restrictions on harvest of wild trout, especially since there apparently aren't that many people who harvest anyway?

The end result is that in areas where harvest isn't a factor (where populations are limited by habitat, and there isn't much harvest), harvest restrictions won't increase the trout population, but they won't "infringe" on many harvesters either. On streams where harvest is affecting the populations, restrictions will obviously improve the populations and the fishing, but probably will "infringe" only on a few harvesters.
I'm shocked to see a WCO even took the time to go there. But it does give me some motivation to get no kill regs there. These guys are fishing on private land and there are many landowners over there that don't like to see trout killed.
Same old Chaz.
FarmerDave wrote:
Same old Chaz.

Same old personal attacks. Moderator, I urge you to hit the VAPORIZE button.
The ability to harvest during the extended season does not turn on whether the section of creek from which the trout is caught is stocked, but, rather, whether it is an Approved Trout Water or "waters downstream of approved trout waters."

58 Pa. Code § 65.26. Extended trout seasons.
(a) General rule. The extended trout season is in effect from the day after Labor Day until the last day of February of the following year on approved trout waters and all waters downstream of approved trout waters. A creel limit of three trout per day and a minimum size limit of 7 inches applies during this season.

troutbert wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
Same old Chaz.

Same old personal attacks. Moderator, I urge you to hit the VAPORIZE button.

What?? :-?
Maurice wrote:
troutbert wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
Same old Chaz.

Same old personal attacks. Moderator, I urge you to hit the VAPORIZE button.

What?? :-?

"Same old Chaz" sounds like a personal attack to me. If that's not what was intended, my apologies. But if it isn't a personal attack, then what is it?

By vaporize, I simply meant Delete.

:-x :p (I'm bipolar :) )
troutbert wrote:

"Same old Chaz" sounds like a personal attack to me. If that's not what was intended, my apologies. But if it isn't a personal attack, then what is it?

By vaporize, I simply meant Delete.

:-x :p (I'm bipolar :) )

No need to apologize Bert, farmer Dave is an old regular from the old, old, old board...the first one. One of the main characters along with Chaz. He was simply poking Chaz in the ribs. When Chaz sees it he would laugh and remember the old days.

Thinking back, We all used to love the antiquated posting scroll whereby each post was logged consecutively and unthreaded. No quoting feature, No topice and only one board. It was a nightmare but we loved it. Kind of like those Cortland CL rods...Now we have the high end graphite message boards and pick apart the details. Just like with the rods.

We are a cantankerous bunch, aren't we?

Maurice has it right.

For the record, I have the utmost respect for Chaz and he should know that. He is in the 99+ percentile when it comes to giving back to the sport in my humble opinion (which by the way is rarely humble), and I appreciate all that he has done and continues to do. Chaz and I may not always agree on everything, but when it comes to wild trout and especially native brook trout, Chaz and I are almost always on the same page.

I can see why you might think I was flaming him. All I was doing is saying hey. I apologize for not including a smiley, but i did a quick response and didn't see the option to insert one. It was my second post, and I haven't learned the new system yet. I should have typed one in anyway. My fault entirely, and you have no need to apologize to me ... yet. :-D
Things will pickup now, Big Dave, Farmer Dave etc is back!

Good to have you back...I think :-D

PaulG wrote:
Things will pickup now, Big Dave, Farmer Dave etc is back!

Good to have you back...I think :-D


I decided not to use "Big, Large, or Huge" this time around because I found that the use of these words tended to occasionally put some people on the defensive and a few even seemed to be offended by it. Not so much here, but other sites of course. It must have had something to do with their feelings of inadequacy. :)

I probably won't be posting much for awhile. Don't want to repeat what has been said recently. ... and I promise to try and not ruffle too many feathers.

Been away because I hadn't fished in PA for over a year. I'm hoping things will be different this year.
Jack, you missed the point, West Branch Perkiomen Creek is NOT Approved Trout Water, it is therefore illegal to harvest trout during the extended season.
Glad to see you're back, BFD. I bet it looks like a lot of the discussions and arguments are the same as when you last visited. But there's always something new going on, too.

My freshman year at PSU we had 3 Dave's within a couple rooms in my dorm. There was Big Dave, Regular Dave, and Little Dave. I was Little Dave (but I didn't feel inadequate - you would understand if you knew Big and Regular!). :-D
Don't go we liked having you as a regular, I've been wondering where you've been. Merry Christmas Big Dave, Large Dave and Huge Dave or whatever you use this week. :-D
Stone_Fly wrote:
Jack, you missed the point, West Branch Perkiomen Creek is NOT Approved Trout Water, it is therefore illegal to harvest trout during the extended season.

I don't think I missed the point. Chaz made this statement:

"Wild Trout Streams are strictly C & R after Labor Day"

That is not true, as the regulation clearly says, unless there are NO wild trout streams downstream of an ATW or none that are themselves ATWs.

If that is the case, I stand corrected. My post did not address West Branch Perkiomen specifically
I plan to stick around for awhile, I just will probably be following along for awhile to get caught up. and yes Wulff-Man, the discussions look very familiar. some things never change.

The real reason I left is Tim Murphy quit posting for awhile. I see he is back. I didn't want to be the only big-mouth, errr ... I mean big guy at the site. :lol:
I'll open up another can of worms. I think this has been discussed here in the past, but not sure if it was ever resolved: Does "all waters downstream of approved trout waters" include tributaries that flow into the ATW or sections downstream of the ATW?
I do not think you are safe in treating a tributary as a "downstream area of an ATW" just because it enters the ATW downstream. I think the best way to interpret the regulation is that if place a bobber (or strike indicator) into the ATW and it can float into the area you plan to fish, then it is covered by the extended season regulations. I have yet to be able to float anything up a tributary from the mouth to the headwaters. :-D