


Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
Bruno and I fished Slippery Rock Creek tonight (Monday). We did see white flies in modest numbers and there were a few rising smallmouths. Definitely not the blizzard hatch we were hoping for. Our guess is this hatch is just getting rolling.

Thanks for the report! My son and I almost went last night also but other issues came up. We fished a little on 7/24 but it was too dam hot and we started around 5:00, WAY to early. Gonna give a try this week as have never experienced it before and heard its a blast. You mind me asking what part of Slippery Rock you fished? Thanks, Dave.
You mind me asking what part of Slippery Rock you fished?

Check your PM.
Good to hear they are getting started. I was at the fly area Saturday from about 8:30pm - 9:30pm and didn't notice one fly. Thanks for the report.
The snap you took just excites me like anything. I am a great fan of white-flies. This one just reminds me of the day on which I went on fishing with my friends.
Does Neshannock have a decent white fly hatch? I'm going to be in Pittsburgh today and might want to try Neshannock in the evening on my way home, Slippery Rocks kinda out of the way for me.
The white bugs were out in all there glory last night on SRC. I don't know how long the hatch has left, but I doubt it will still be on by the weekend. Get out early this week if you can. The bugs start around 8:40 and I called it a night around 10 PM (but the fish were still slurping).
albatross wrote:
The white bugs were out in all there glory last night on SRC. I don't know how long the hatch has left, but I doubt it will still be on by the weekend. Get out early this week if you can. The bugs start around 8:40 and I called it a night around 10 PM (but the fish were still slurping).

Albie, I was out last week and the whiteflies were thick but I didn't see or hear any fish feeding. Everything was perfect...but no fish?
Check your PM Turkey. GreenGhost told me he had the same problem as you on Friday evening. Who knows why the fish do what they do?