Smoky Mountains Trout Fishing



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
Hey folks, this past April, a group of 8 of us met in the Smoky Mountains and rented a cabin for a bit less than a week. I think just about everyone had a ball. We went in mid- to late- April and encountered a decent mix of hatches. A few others besides myself already indicated we'd like to try again in 2007.

We have our eye on a "Lodge" that can sleep over 20 people, but if we got about 15 it would be affordable. So, I am sending out an early feeler to see if anyone else would like to join us next year. The date has hasn't been set, but it would likely be mid- to late- April again. We started on Tuesday and stayed until Sunday. Some came in on Wednesday instead. Once we get a group committed, we can firm up the plans. I'm game for a whole week this time around.

If you have any interest, drop a note here or PM me. While you're thinking about it, enjoy some pictures in my Smoky Mountains Trip Journal 2006
Count me in ....................
I would do it again in a second.
Looks like if we go the group will be much smaller. I thought I'd elevate this and call out to others about our trip. Last year 8 of us went to the Smokies Nat'l Park for a near-week of wild trout fishing in beautiful surroundings. I plan to organize another trip in 2007. Tentatively, we would meet in Townsend, TN at a rented cabin on Tuesday April 24 through Sunday April 29. These dates are subject to change depending upon who wants to go and the preferences. If you have any interest, let me know. The drive is anywhere from 8 to 11 hours depending upon your departure location. A flight would be about $300 and take a little over an hour. The airport in Maryville/Alcoa is about 25 minutes from the park. We try to arrange the cabin so each person's cost is less than $25 per night. Drop a note here or PM meif you are interested.
I just might have to get in on that this year...Keep me posted on the plans.
Tom, we'd love to have you. Last year, one person brought a flyfishing wife along. This is encouraged as it helps make better use of King- and Queen-sized beds. The privacy will be somewhat limited, though as the bathrooms are shared, but there are separate rooms in most cabins with the larger beds. Youngsters would be welcome as well as well-behaved friends. You can easily spend 5 days or more sight-seeing in the park, horseback riding, hiking, nature walks, shopping in nearby Gatlinburg or Pigeon Forge, there is even entertainment like a Ripley's Museum, Country-Western shows, etc., so wives, girlfriends, etc., that don't fish could still be entertained.

One note: we will finalize the cabin plan by mid-February at the latest and pay up front in full by mid-March unless a deposit is needed before then. Once you commit, the payment is non-refundable, but subject to a majority approval, in the sole discretion of committed participants, you would be allowed to transfer your sleeping arrangement to another guest if you had to pull out. I encourage the early commitment, since we may select a cabin that will not accomodate late-comers, so check with all the "bosses" now. Unless a good bit of people want to do it on a different date, the April 24-29 dates are most likely to be firmed-up.

Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

I'll be down there that week (most likely) and would love to hook up with you guys. I'll have to pass on the cabin deal, my uncle has a house in Pidgeon Forge that I'll be staying at, but I'll meet you guys anywhere you want.

I have some experience fishing the Smoky's and have explored a good bit of the park in the 7 trips I've made.

Please count me in on the fishing part at least.

John, if we go on those dates we'd be happy to have you join us. I'll be making some announcements on this thread as it approaches, but most of the correspondence moves to e-mail as we make final arrangements. Be sure to touch base with me in early April. We'll tell you where the cabin is and you can drive down and join us for breakfast when we're making plans and forming smaller groups for the day's activities.
I'll be there again for sure...

I encourage anyone who hasn't seen the park to get in on this offer! The park is beautiful, and there are very few tourists in April. Needless to say, the fishing was great...

It would be great to get a bigger group this time around... A bunch of yankees invading the south!

I would like to go to, but put me down as tenative. It depends on my work situation.

Jack M
Thanks for doing the scouting for this trip. Please count me in as I will have the time and the money. April is a beautiful time to be in the south. I'll be traveling with Beeber. Larry
Jack,I would love to go but I have a hard time getting vacation. When do you think the deadline would be to secure a spot.
We need commitments by mid-February, payment by early March. After that, IF the cabin will accomodate add-ons, we'll have an arrangement how to do that. Last year, we decided that add-ons would pay the same per night, but they would have been stuck on a fold-out couch , futon, self-supplied air mattress or the floor. We were prepared to take on 2 late-comers.

Making the commitment the same time as everyone else will guarantee being in on the cabin and also better sleeping conditions. There are inexpensive motels that time of year and you can camp in and near the park, so if committing early isn't possible, you can keep your fingers crossed that we can accomodate you in the cabin or go to Plan B and get a nearby motel and join us for the fishing and evening gatherings.
My family house in Pigeon Forge fell through, the aunt and uncle are remodeling. I'd like to go in on the cabin if there is still room. If not, I'll camp at Elkmont and join in on the fun.
Let me know if there are any openings and count me in.
BTW, I'm driving down so if anyone wants to carpool, let me know.
John check your Private Messages. We're happy to add you to the group. There is a possibility of additional brook trout streams opening this year, but we won't know until February or March. The group is growing to the point that we should be able to get very comfortable and convenient accomodations.
One last time on this. We have a group of about 15 interested and nearly committed for April 25-29, 2007. There is still room for more, but we are at the point that a decision must be made on one large cabin or two smaller cabins, so if you are interested, speak now. tomgamber, you expressed an interest, but never got me an e-mail address. Now would be the time if you still have an interest.

Here is a webpage I put together to let you know a little about the trip and planning options: Smokies Trip Information Page

Send me a PM with your e-mail address if you're interested and I'll bring you up to speed on the planning.
I heard you make mention of the trip the other day...thought i'd move this up so you can tell us whats going on. Haven't heard anything in a while...what'd I miss?
It's a little outside of the smokies (in Pisgah National Forrest), and about an hour outside of Asheville, but if you get a chance try to fish the Davidson. It's a wild Brown, Rainbow, and Brooke stream that gets runoff water from a hatchery right next to it. This hatchery runoff water is nutrient rich, so the trout there get HUGE. Thats where I cought the Brown in my avatar, and it was one of the med-sized ones. There were a few we saw that were easily over 30".

These fish are wild, and although they are not very skiddish, they are extreemly picky. One area my buddy showed me (which he referred to as the humble hole) had about 70 fish, but I only got 3 in 8 hours (he is a guide and only got 2).
Here is a pod cast i think you all might have an interest in if you are going on the trip. The third on the list.

The Itinerant Angler Podcast Season 2, #2