Senate Bill 411



Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
E-Town and Germania
Received an email from Penn Environment about this and don't know the full story but it can't be good. Apparently if the gas drillers use abandoned mine water they will be absolved of any liability if there is an accident. Please read and submit comment if you desire.

Here is a link to the bill if you're interested in reading it. On one end I can see the logic of why "pollute perfectly clean water when we can recycle the stuff we already messed up," but on the other hand it just seems like another opportunity for the industry to do it's worst...

The "meat" is on page 5..

(d) Mine water for beneficial uses.--Notwithstanding any
other provision of this chapter, landowners, mine operators and
water pollution abatement project operators that are involved in
treating mine drainage or mine pool water from a permitted
mining activity site or water pollution abatement project shall
not be deemed to assume legal responsibility for or to incur
liability with respect to a cost, injury or damage that arises
out of or occurs in connection with the use of mine drainage,
mine pool water or treated mine water in connection with the
hydraulic fracturing process or other development of a gas well,
industrial or other water supply or other beneficial use of the
Makes a certain amount of sense , but once the trust has been broken.......can't be fixed. Now ........if they were to assume liability and go ahead with using and treating/recycling mine water maybe they could fix some of the breakage.
I honestly don't understand the benefit to the commonwealth, but it looks like a SWEET loophole for the frickin' frackers.