Secret Flies

The WMD might have been a secret at one time, but every time I catch a fish on one, I yell "PADRAIC!" as loud as I can.


I actually never used one, but I've tied a few. I plan on trying em this summer.
Why wait til summer?
Good point. Maybe I'll hang one behind a caddis next time I get to the tully. That, or I'll take one to valley.
No, not really secrete just not good enough to talk about.
I believe if you are not killin' them I'll share places and tools with almost any flyfisher.


I have tied up some of those wmd's and can't wait to try them in the upcoming weeks!!!

If you do try those ants, and they don't work for you...Don't forget to blame Pad :)

The closest thing to a secret fly is that some of the ones i use have no names. Recipes are only suggestions if you ask me. I'll tie flies from whatever I have available. However, if someone asks me what i am using, I'll try to explain them, or if in person I'll just show one. that is, if it isn't too ugly. then again, sometimes the most effective flies are the ones that are all beat up. I once caught over 100 pan fish on a hopper imitation. By the time i was done, it looked more like a green weenie and it didn't float at all. ... but i never had to change flies.

This reminds me. I bought a batch of ringneck pheasant chicks a few weeks ago at a livestock auction. I wasn't thinking fly tying matrial because i have lots of pheasant feathers. I was going to raise them and let them go (maybe eat a few). They are cool to have around, and i also bought a couple dozen quail for the same reason. Plus, I have a couple bird dogs and they will give them something to point at other than chickens, and the cat. However when I got home I found that a few of them may actually be Lady Amherst Pheasants according to the box. I hope so, but I really can't tell yet. The pheasants all look pretty much alike at this age, but a few do look a little different and aren't growing as fast, so they might be. Looks like I may end up with some expensive fly tying material for about a buck or a buck and a half a piece!!! That is if they survive and at least one is a male. I once used a small lady amherst fly on a brook trout stream, and it was killing them. I heard it is an atlantic salmon fly, but apparently the brook trout didn't read any of the books either.
What is WMD? Is this a secret pattern?
A WMD is not a secret pattern at all! At least it is the most open secret of all, since the recipe has been posted here a number of times. It is a standard fur ant, but tied with bright orange dubbing and white hackle. The orange should be the brightest orange you can find, hunter's orange. The hackle is any good dry fly hackle, and don't trim the bottom. Just leave it be. When you fish it, dress the fly well so it sits high in the film. I think it is taken as a crane fly (not an ant). So it shouldn't rest heavily on the water. Size 16 and 18 seem to work best. It's a very visible fly, and works well all spring, summer and fall.
Thanks! I tried searching the site but since the search has a manditory 4 character minimum, I couldn't do it. I appreciate the info!!

Couple of years ago when the weapon of mass distruction was a big thing, for a joke with some of my friends I called it my WMD, because I had so much success with it.

The story of the fly is! I first got them,a good many years ago from the Cold Spring anglers shop, on their list of flies they had this orange ant. They said , they don't know why but it works well on the yellow breeches. So I got a few and have had a lot of success, everywhere I fish them. We've had a lot of fun, with it over the years!

I tied PaulG's WMD with bright orange antron. Do you guys think it'll work? I have a good feeling about it!!
I'd give the antron ant a try. But you'll have to come up with a new name!
Here's a link to another fly that is absolutely killer
chamois worm

A couple things I would change from the way they show the fly. I tie mine on an egg hook, so the chamois doesn't wrap around the shank of the hook. And I would cut the chamois thinner than what they show, so it will move well in the water.
Padraic wrote:
I'd give the antron ant a try. But you'll have to come up with a new name!

I will spend tonight brainstorming a new name, but won't make it official until it catches fish!!!