Recent Rod Purchase Breakdown



Well-known member
May 3, 2011
Thought this might be a good read for any of the newer guys looking in to buying a new rod...just how I went about things and how my head works...of course YMMV.

For background I was essentially looking for a mid-length (7'6 - 8'0) 5 weight(ish) rod for small to medium sized streams...think Manada/Valley/Hammer (above 322) maybe up to something as big as the Quittie or Yellow Breeches (30-40ft across)...along those lines. I was initially thinking 5 weight in that I wanted it to be versatile...dries/nymphs/small streamers...essentially my go to rod for those size streams. In general I seem to gravitate toward a middle of the road med/fast action.

I have a 6'11 4wt for Brookie/really small stream stuff and an 8'6 5wt for bigger stuff. (Along with a 7'0 4wt that is really just my beater, leave it in the car, rod now.) Was hoping to fill that gap with this rod.

In terms of budget, I didn't really have a hard limit, but in general I think a good rod can be had for under $250 or so, so that's probably about where I would have stopped. I have reels with both 4wt and 5wt lines, so the fact that I didn't have to buy a reel or line helped in terms of budgeting.

For the rods that didn't come in 5wt (in the lengths I was looking for) I tried them in 4wt, with both 4wt and 5wt line. IIRC these were all two piece rods that I tried...not really planning on having to do much rough hiking on the streams I'd be fishing them. I didn't test them all at one time (which obviously would be ideal, but in reality impossible without buying them and returning them), but over several visits to many different stores.

In order of preference...along with my notes for each...note how price doesn't correspond at all with how much I liked them. Also, in general, they were all very nice well made rods, and I could have easily fished with each of the end it's all personal preference.

1. Redington Pursuit - 8'0 4wt - $100
Just had the right know it when you feel it. Redington says it's "fast." I'd say "med/fast," but who cares. Smoothest application of power of them all IMO, period. At the price, it was the clear winner.

2. Sage Vantage - 8'0 4wt - $225
Was pretty close to the Pursuit. Felt like the Pursuit would have a sturdier backbone, and could throw 5wt line a little better. Probably a little slower than the Pursuit.

3. LLBean Streamlight Ultra - 8'0 5wt - $105
Nice rod. Main thing going against it was I already had one in a 6'11 4wt, and just wanted something different. Perhaps a little on the slow side for what I was looking for here too.

4. Cabela's L-Tech - 7'6 4wt - $220 (on sale now for $165)
Felt like this one could really launch some line...not really what I was looking for in this rod though...might revisit when looking into 6wts. Not 100% sold on the exposed reel seat, but something I could get over probably.

5. St. Croix Imperial - 8'0 4wt - $180
Nice rod...most attractive finish IMO of all of them. Was very fast, too fast for me. If you like fast rods, give this one a try.

6. Redington Crosswater - 8'0 5wt - $70
Wasn't as smooth or as consistent as the Pursuit, but still a nice rod. Very similar components...duh they're both Redingtons. Was probably a touch slower than the Pursuit.

7. St. Croix Rio Santo - 7'6 5wt - $100
This was the only one of the bunch that felt a little chintzy to me. Perfectly serviceable no doubt, but I didn't like the reel seat and felt the action was a bit unpredictable. Was disappointed a bit to be honest because going in I thought I'd really like this one...this is why you gotta try em' out.

Of course this list isn't all inclusive...These were the manufacturers that I generally like and think highly of. Sure there are more options out there, some of which I may like, or may not...I don't know, but for one reason or another just don't want to purchase a rod from them. Ideally it'd be nice to overlook that, but in some cases as a consumer I can't...I'm stubborn.

Anyway, hope that someone finds that helpful...
Thanks for the post Swattie. I need an 8'6" 4 or 5 wt and your write up will help me with a decision. I have a 7' 4 wt Penn, a 7'6" 5 wt. glass Fenwick and an 8' 6wt. Fenwick graphite. I'm thinking of a 5 wt because I don't like the 5 wt. Fenwick glass but for where I fish (streams not much larger than the LL), I think a 4 wt 8'6" would be better.
Matt I have 2 different pursuits now. I have the 8' 4wt model you talked about and just picked up the 9'5wt for out here in idaho. you cant go wrong with it. It was the obvious winner. 100 bucks for a lifetime warranty. And its a GREAT rod at that.
Yep, gonna get its maiden voyage today.
i have an 5wt-8' st.c imperial. they are indeed a fast action rod. that i'am more than likely going to replace before this summer. i've found that a medium action fits my casting style much better.