Old, cheap, or defective?



Jan 28, 2007
I have been tying San Juan Worms for years. I tied 7 last evening for my trip to the GunPowder. The files fell apart after about 10 casts. I tried 4=3 files! The material is probably 6 years old from Arrick's Fly Shop (West Yellowstone). It's very thin chenille or vernille. Anyway, I have never seen this. Anyone have a similar experience.

I am going to use the thumbnail rub test before tying in the future.

Thanks in advance.
Ultra chenille amd Antron chenille are IMHO the best.You can always heat the ends or seal them with some tying cement. The regualr chenille usually made of cotton isnt what it used to be.
Thanks. I did burn the ends (to lend the "worm" look). I will try a drop of head cement too. And I will be going through my ultra chenille collection with the thumbnail test. The SJW is probably the only fly that it causes a problem since it has the open ends/
MD - what brand chenille was this? I have chenille from Arrick's too, so I would like to know. A lot of my chenilles are flock secured by running lines of cotton, so they can untwist and loosen up as they sit around.

It sounds like "defective" to me , like the weave or braid that is supposed to hold the fibers together isn't right. Explain if you would "The Fingernail Test" thanks.
I don't know the brand. The "thumbnail" test is, take a piece and try and remove the fibers with my thumbnail by pressing down on a strand and pulling it. The fibers should not come off if it's good stuff.
The fibers on the ends WILL come off if you want to tie in the bare thread of the weave or braid they use to hold them in place , but they wont come off with just 1 stroke , it takes repeated strokes , until the braid/weave unravels and releases the fibers. If you are taking a piece and with one stroke of your thumbnail ALL the fibers come off i still say the braid/weave is defective.
I ut a drop of glue on the ends of woim material.