Nice Video for tyers and FFers



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Henricksons are here:

BTW, if color is the "key" does one deal with the fact that nearly every nymph shown is has a different color combination and/or is a different color altogether.

Note the prominent gills and gill action on the abdomen.

Also note the duns drifting both in and on the film.

BTW, this video was shot in and on a stream in NJ and not in a fish tank.

afishinado wrote:
Henricksons are here:

BTW, if color is the "key" does one deal with the fact that nearly every nymph shown is has a different color combination and/or is a different color altogether.

You tie 28 different patterns in 4 different sizes and 4 multiples of each, in case you lose any. I don't know about you, but I always have at lease 448 different Hendrickson nymphs in my box at all times.

You don't even want to see my dry Hendrickson box!
I've seen that before but had no idea it wasn't a fish tank. All the more impressive.
In what stream does hendricksons sit in dead still water and what stream does not have some sort of flow or movement even in back water there is movement of debris.
Several of those shots are from a fish tank...note the shadows about 3/4 the way through and the static spots on the glass. Also I think the dun in the film is also a tanker.
I remember when that was posted on the front page of PAFF. Great video
you could be looking at Ephemerella rotunda and ephemerella subvaria, 2 different the male and female subvaria are different colors.