NB Suskie


Sep 9, 2009
The NB Suskie from Laceyville to Sayre, PA is completely condusive to wade fishing as of today!!!

Git out guys!

It's gonna be epic!! Huzzah! Huzzah!!
57 SMB ranging from 8"" to a whopping 18" ALL on topwater with #12 bushy western dries. EPIC day in 96-99 degree heat. All I did was find a patch of shade on the water.... cast into the shady area. BAM! FISH EVERY CAST!

I couldn't have asked for a better 8 hours of fishing!
jjsjigs wrote:
57 SMB ranging from 8"" to a whopping 18" ALL on topwater with #12 bushy western dries. EPIC day in 96-99 degree heat. All I did was find a patch of shade on the water.... cast into the shady area. BAM! FISH EVERY CAST!

I couldn't have asked for a better 8 hours of fishing!

No fish on Jigs!...... :-o

I make the jigs... but I flyfish 99.9% of the time. I grew up with a flyrod in my hand. Except flyfishing isn't that popular up here in BradCo. where I can count less than 10 guys who flyfish.

So I adapted and started to make jigs instead. They sell!! Flies don't!
Nice job jigs! I was looking forward to going out on Sunday and then that monster storm hit saturday. Looks like the river is dropping pretty good along with the wysox, Wyalusing, and Tuscarora creeks.
What do you think if the Chemung? Looks pretty darn sweet when it's low. I was thinking about hitting it up this coming weekend.
The Chemung is still a bit muddy but I'm sure by the weekend it will be perfect... just a slight tinge of stain to my streamer fishing spectacular!! The Chemung is one of my usual spots 3 or 4 times a week in the summer. I work out of the RPH and I just swing over to Tozer's after work and fish from 3p to 7p on my work days.

Man, I like the Chemung! (Not as good as the Suskie from T-Town to Sugar Run but much better than the Suskie at Sayre/Athens.

Start at Tozer's and walk downstream from the launch pool to the first large riffle. That deep pool is stellar. I usually catch my nicest bass at the tongue of the pool. Last year in late July I waded across that large riffle and fished that huge scum line that is on the east side of that hole. The bass musta been lying under the foam patch getting out of the sun. I caught at least 8 bass over 14" in that spot alone.

I like to start right there at Tozer's and wade fish all the way to the old LVRR bridge in Athens. Wifey drops me off at Tozer's... runs up to the Arnot Mall and shops for 4 hours. Then on her way back pulls over at the river bridge on 220 and picks me up! It's a sweet day!!!
Is that over the ny border? Just worried about being legal.
Thanks for the info jigs. I checked it out early November before the rains set in. It definitely looks money. I heard stories that walleyes of state record size have been caught out of the confluence. I'm looking forward to getting out there next week. I just passed over the bridge in Towanda and the river looks good. One more week and it should loose the greenish/ brown color. Looking forward to casting poppers on my buggy whip!

Beeber- the Chemung runs a few miles into PA.
Beeber: the Chemung is about 7 miles long in PA. To make sure your legal.... One may fish from the NYS Rte 17/I-86 bridge* just west of Exit 60 downstream. Fishing upstream from this bridge you WILL be in NYS and in violation.

*= NYS Rte 17/I-86 enters PA at for approx 2 miles at Exit 60 and Exit 61. No markers designate "welcome to pa" but it screws with New Yorkers heads when a PA state trooper pulls them over for speeding within that 2 mile stretch.
Midgeman... the Suskie at Towanda is MONEY when you can see the old covered bridge embunkments under the Veterans bridge. Then the wade fishing is SPECTACULAR!!!

That's just my little "marker" to know when to fish it in my sneakers and shorts instead of my felt soles and chest waders.