Lost reel/ Stream Report



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
Lost reel/ Fishing report.

I lost a reel somehow on Porcupine Creek in President Venango County. It is a silver Orvis Battenkill 3wt reel with a cream colored fly line one it. I know it is a shot in the dark but I am hoping. I hiked back in and retraced my steps, but came up empty.
If anyone finds it I'll buy ya a case of your fav beer.

The fishing was great. Fished from 6am to 11am. Caught a bunch of wild rainbows and brookies. I was using hoppers on a 4x tippet. It always amazes me that trout can hide in such small holes and seams in the stream. Sometimes i wonder why i carry all of those flies :-o Mountain biked all the way up to the headwaters. The bike ride was great. I jumped a bunch of deer on the way in and out. Peshaw to all those who say there are not deer in the ANF. Anyway, I think the reel was lost on the decent. Water was low and cool. The air temp in the morning was in the 50’s. Fun day in all despite the loss. The dogs had a blast trying to keep up with the bike on the way out.

I'll be headed to the rock to begin the white fly hunt this week.

OK, that's one case for finding it. How much if I also return it. :-D

Bruno, I have a relative who lives near there. I'll have him keep his eyes and ears open.