Leader tying

chstrcntyfish wrote:
Just finished my first leader. It looks good, except its a little short just because I didn't measure enough extra for each knot. Also, My set is missing two sizes. I didn't need them though. It came with two doubles instead.

Ah, I did that on my first one too. What I do is lay out a yard stick to measure out each piece. I find if I put the left side post of the blood knot tool at the place I want the knot it works out about right. Not sure why, you'd expect to place the midpoint of the tool where you want the knot.

I have a spread sheet gives you a bunch of recipes. If you like I could email it to you. I use shakespeare line from walmart and go to Valley and get a bunch on my 4x leaders. Remember different lengths serve different purposes. 7.5 ft leaders are for wet flies and streamers b/c the fly is getting to the fish first. 9 ft is better for high water murkier and spring time conditions. I use twelve foot for right now when fishing for wilds with the water being low and gin clear.

What I have found with hand tied leaders is that they turn over way better than the crappy orvis ones and they are way cheaper. Something like 30 cents a piece.

Like Pad said though if your a beginning caster it may prove to be a problem. But try them anyway and find out for yourself.
JustFish, thanks for the offer, but I downloaded leadercalc and have enough patterns to last a lifetime.