Latest on the Little J case

I’m amused by the Google ad for SRC that keeps popping up on this site. Wonder if DB is getting much business from it. He certainly gets a lot of ‘hits’ around here. :lol:
Having just watched my favorite Christmas movie - It's a Wonderfull Life - for the umpteenth time, I was struck by some similarities between it and the little juniata case.
In the movie, you have the evil, rich Mr. Potter trying to buy up everything he can in Bedford Falls for his own benefit.
And we all know who's doing that to our best streams.
And you have George Bailey making a stand against Mr. Potter for the good of the common folk.
In our case, it's the PFC, DEP, and Allan Bright filing the suit against DB for the good of the public.
Of course, the movie has a happy ending.
Let's hope we get the same results in this case

Merry Christmas to all!