Intermediate Fly Line - Uses?



Active member
Apr 24, 2014
Years ago, my dad passed along a new 5 wt STH intermediate fly line to me that I'm sure he picked up somewhere for a song. Knowing him as I do, it was probably one of those deals that was just too good to pass up, even when you have no real use for the item.

I hung onto it for years, and about two years ago I figured I would spool it onto an unused reel so that I could use it for something. It still hasn't seen water.

Other than for stillwater lake fishing, is there any scenario where I would want to use this line over a floating line, a floating line with sinking poly leaders, or a full sinking line?

Thank you.
It's good for wet flies, where you're not trying to sink them too deep. I use one from time to time, but I wouldn't say it's something that I couldn't live without.
For the average PA trout fisherman an intermediate line is probably not very useful. Since it is a 5wt I'm assuming you aren't fishing for warmwater or saltwater species.

Generally speaking an intermediate, or any sinking line, will cut through heavy wind and cast further than a floating line. The intermediate will also allow you to fish slightly deeper with weighted streamers.