How was cabin fever?


Active member
Oct 18, 2006
Wanted to go and just couldn't fit it in my busy schedule. Maybe next year. Just down the road from where I work too.
It was fun, but I left way early as it was too crowded for me. Too many people for too little space. There were some deals. However it always looks like it is a dumping ground for all the junk the fly shops did not sell in the last year.

The kids that were doing the tying demo's from family tyes were worth the price of admission. They were nice and taught me a couple of tricks on spinning deer hair.

I went looking for waders and left without them once again.
It was busy as usual. I got there at 10:15 on purpose, watched Dave Rothrock's presentation and browsed for an hour and a half. No doubt some shops were dumping goods, two shops going out of business were there. I saw some deals, bought two books for my library, dropped a $150 bucks on raffles and talked to a few old members I know. Left around 1:30 and the crowd had thinned somewhat. I always enjoy the kids tying and their enthusiasm.
Jim Kearney
I got there about 9:30 and stayed til 12:30 - was pretty crowded as usual. I enjoyed Dave Rothrock's presentation - I've met him on the stream a few times - very nice guy.
I did find a good deal on some hackle and hooks.

Bruno: were you the guy looking for a patagonia wader dealer in the area?
I noticed Ligonier Outfitters, who had a booth there, carries them - at least they were advertising them on their sign. That wouldn't be a far ride - some decent fishing in that area also
yep I am still looking. Ligoner Outfitters does not carry the waders. However, the guys from Orchard View Angling do. Very close in McMurray and I can stop at the best pizza in the burgh, Harry's.
Re: "No doubt some shops were dumping goods, two shops going out of business were there."

Which shops are closing?
dryflyguy wrote:
Fly Tyers Vice and Hoey's

Thanks. I wonder if Fly Tyers Vice managed to sell all their Honey Bug material. They used to have tons of it in all sizes and colors.
either of those stores have a website??
There was one shop that had flies for 6 bucks a dozen which I found to be a good deal. Quality was pretty decent for .50 cents a fly IMHO. Also found a great deal on a discontinued pack, 50% off works for me.

There was lots of "vintage" equipment there too. Not a bad way to start a sunday AM when you can't get on the streams.
I saw that Fly Tyer's Vice had some Honey Bug mixed in with some dubbing. I only saw a few colors but I really wasn't looking for that.
Jim Kearney
PM me if you want honey bug material....
trout17, dryflyguy:

I appreciate your taking the time to attend my program at Cabin Fever.


I was just talking to a guy who owns a business beside Hoey's flyshop - he told me that Jim now plans on staying open, but is moving to a new location.

old lefty:

I really enjoyed your talk about fishing in Austria.
My wife and I took a guided tour of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland last fall.
I had no plans to fish, but saw some beautiful streams there.
Have you fished in Germany?
We drove along an absolutely gorgeous stream in Berchtesgaden -
it had the bluest looking water I've ever seen - had to be a limestoner. Can't remember it's name, but I did see a guy flyfishing there.
We also spent a day in Oberammagau.
There is a small stream that comes through there with a trail alongside - I watched trout rising in it the last hour of the day - what I would have given to have my gear with me!

Only fished in Austria and Slovenia. In Germany all trout landed must be KILLED! When you've reached your limit, you're finished.

The Green Party is primarily responsible for the all caught must be killed reg. No catch and release in Germany.
OldLefty wrote:

In Germany all trout landed must be KILLED! When you've reached your limit, you're finished.

The Green Party is primarily responsible for the all caught must be killed reg. No catch and release in Germany.

In reading a book by a couple British fly anglers, they briefly discuss a similar rule that obtains at some (or maybe most) "club waters" in the empire. What I found interesting was the reason for the rule-- they do not want educated trout in their waters. Once a legal sized trout has fallen to an artificial, they want it removed from the water, presumably so that it won't warn its friends. 😛
I remember that stream, was there in the 50s, I esecially remember the blue water and schools of trout in the shallows.
little juniata:

We drove along this stream going to and from hitlers eagles nest from Saulzburg, Austria. So it must be close to the border
Unfortunately, our tour guide didn't know much about fishing - in fact he told us it's not very popular in Germany.
Anyway, I remember thinking about maybe going back there to fish someday. But that would be very tough if you have to kill every fish caught. too bad
OldLefty wrote:
In Germany all trout landed must be KILLED! When you've reached your limit, you're finished.

The Green Party is primarily responsible for the all caught must be killed reg. No catch and release in Germany.
That's a bad precedent that I hope PETA doesn't try to impose here. Not that they would have any success, but could you imagine the aggravation they could cause?

JackM wrote:
In reading a book by a couple British fly anglers, they briefly discuss a similar rule that obtains at some (or maybe most) "club waters" in the empire. What I found interesting was the reason for the rule-- they do not want educated trout in their waters. Once a legal sized trout has fallen to an artificial, they want it removed from the water, presumably so that it won't warn its friends. 😛
What a bunch of weenies!
That stream in Oberamergau is absolutely amazing. I didn't see any trout but I knew they had to be in there.

There was not one ounce of silt or dirt in the streambed... amazing.