Homewaters aka Spring Ridge welcomes MS Shale Exec's



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA

Homewaters - aka Spring Ridge, welcomes MS Shale Exec's


DB will do anything for a buck.:roll:
Afish........is it going to be bigwigs from just 1 company or ALL the companies? My Merry Prankster/99% alarm is at yellow alert status.......know what i mean? An air drop of cows blood and entrails comes to mind...........expect me.
And just exactly what are "gourmet s'mores"? :lol:
Heritage-Angler wrote:
And just exactly what are "gourmet s'mores"? :lol:

They use heritage strain, organically grown marshmallows?
HA.........they r exactly the same as regular smores except they are $10.00 each , that makes them GOURMET SMORES.......heh
That is absolutely amazing. No amount of PHW/charity publicity should be allowed to off set such activities.

Per the end of the article:

HomeWaters has operations serving the energy industry located near Williamsport, Towanda, Bedford and Erie, Pennsylvania as well as Vail & Steamboat, Colorado and Heber Springs, Arkansas.
For more information contact: Donny Beaver – DonnyB@HomeWatersClub.com – mobile 814-571-9779

I did laugh that one of the companies participating is called "New Pig Corporation".

I'm moving to vermont, they just outlawed fracking.

edit. they will argue, "we're not hurting the fishing, look at all these huge fish in the stream!"
F^&King pellet fish.
jdaddy wrote:
That is absolutely amazing. No amount of PHW/charity publicity should be allowed to off set such activities.

Per the end of the article:

HomeWaters has operations serving the energy industry located near Williamsport, Towanda, Bedford and Erie, Pennsylvania as well as Vail & Steamboat, Colorado and Heber Springs, Arkansas.
For more information contact: Donny Beaver – DonnyB@HomeWatersClub.com – mobile 814-571-9779

I did laugh that one of the companies participating is called "New Pig Corporation".

Sorry for the late response, just saw it now, but New Pig is Donny Beaver's company. It's what made him rich. The company produces oil/chemical absorbing "socks." I'm sure that's one of the primary reason he's catering the the energy companies.
Now you know what it is like to not be allowed to fish a stretch of water......sorry i had to ;)
greenghost wrote:
Sorry for the late response, just saw it now, but New Pig is Donny Beaver's company. It's what made him rich. The company produces oil/chemical absorbing "socks." I'm sure that's one of the primary reason he's catering the the energy companies.

The whole thing gets more and more comical.

mike_richardson on 2012/5/25 13:29:47
Now you know what it is like to not be allowed to fish a stretch of water......sorry i had to ;)

No you didn't "have to". Or maybe you simply don't have the ability not to shoot your trap off. This is a conservation forum. Please go troll somewhere else and/or grow up.
Yea mike the difference is state run (special regs)vs. private run (posted water) and tackle restrictions vs, monetary restrictions.

might as well make argument the Stubborn vs Open Minded at this point.
Mr. Beaver is doing nothing illegel and is a business man who gives back GREATLY in his community. New Pig is an industry leader and innovator in oil and gas spill clean-up. I admit, there is a certain irony to his business interest and some may not agree with everything he does, but painting him as an evil overload and the face of all the evils of private and posted water seems unfair without knowing more that the often slanted information out forth in the media.
Sorry i have to get you guys fired up a little bit for the ribbing i get now and again.

Enlighten me on the difference between what beaver does compared to a high end hunting lease. I am a bit ignorant on his club.
If you just look at the private waters/club aspect, there is no difference between Beaver and other hunting/fishing clubs. But that part's not what gets to me, nor is the outrageous fee he charges to be a member. I begrudgingly accept that part of it. It's not my cup of tea, but I will even defend his right to do it if pressed, as I do believe in private property rights and the right to use it in a business venture.

What gets to me, and I can't defend, are:

1. Posting navigable waterways, obviously. He lost the LJR in court, but there are others. Penns, for example. I fully believe Penns to be navigable. It has a long, well documented history of commerce, and has been declared navigable by the PA state legislature. The same as the LJR. I also believe Mr. Beaver knows this and posts parts of it anyway. IMO knowingly posting of public property should be met with hefty fines. Afterall, what would happen if I threw no trespassing signs up on my favorite area in the state forest? He should be sued to no end by fly/tackle shops and guide services for lost revenue.

2. Stocking excellent wild trout streams, then feeding them in the stream and throwing all that nutrient load in, and turning around and marketing them as wild or "streambred".

3. Passing his operation off as a conservation effort as a ploy for membership and public relations. First, I consider the term conservation to mean preservation of public natural resources, as it has classicly been defined in this country, following the movement of the Sierra Club and the creation of national parks, national forests, etc. Second, see #2.

4. The situation in Erie where he's using public fish, paid for by the public, for his private enterprise, and then having the nerve to call the public the "free lunch crowd".
I'll sum it up, he's an a$$hole.
AM I the only one who has thought that it is odd that his cell phone number is posted....

That brings a few thoughts to mind. :-D
