Happy Thanksgiving



Staff member
Jan 24, 2016
From Dkile and the moderator staff, we'd like to wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving.

Gonna be tough to avoid politics today (keep the crazy uncle away from the cheap Chardonnay) but we gotta do what we gotta do to keep the family peace. :cool:

Anyway, we here at PAFF do indeed have much to be thankful for: beautiful streams, fly tying, jamborees, smallmouth bass, fishing with kids, changing seasons, wild trout, and oftentimes a reasonably short travel time to get to all of them. I'm thankful I've been able to meet so many of you.

Our enjoyable online fly fishing community makes this our favorite place out of the water. Enjoy the day!

Same to you, the PAFF TEAM, and your families, significant others, and friends!!

Thanks, Dave.

Happy Thanksgiving to all who frequent this site. It's been a source of happy distraction for years.

My day: Cleaning, cooking turkey, strapping on the feed bag, biting my tongue (at my sister in law's political rants), copious dishes...

What do you all have planned?
I am not much of holiday guy, but I certainly understand why everyone else is and I hope everyone enjoys there Thanksgiving.

I am going to go to the gym and then to Stubbie's, which is a bar in Lancaster, and then home to watch football and do my laundry.

My sister always invites me to her home in Hopewell, NJ for holidays. I don't like driving the PA Turnpike and then I-95 if I don't have to. Plus, I don't like watching her work that hard with no help from her husband(who I do like) and her daughters. I end up working too hard.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all and a big Thanks to Dave K and all the mods.
Happy Thanksgiving.
We all have lots be be thankful for.

To be honest, the whole standing rock situation as sucked the whole spirit of this holiday out of us. Our hearts are heavy today. This household is debating celebrating this holiday in future years.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Happy Thanksgiving.
We all have lots be be thankful for.

To be honest, the whole standing rock situation as sucked the whole spirit of this holiday out of us. Our hearts are heavy today. This household is debating celebrating this holiday in future years.

Hey Sal,

Why not give thanks for all that is precious to you...family, friends as well as everyone and everything that gives meaning and purpose to your life.

You can give thanks, all while standing with the standing stone people and their plight.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. We do indeed have so much to be thankful for. A big thanks to the moderators of PAFF for running a great online flyfishing site. Keep up the good work!
One big Thanksgiving Day ,but be thankful every day for all we have and not the material things. Enjoy! GG
Happy Thanksgiving and best to all yinz... moderators, members, non-members, fly fishers, bait fishers, lure fishers, democrats, republicans, independents, men, women... etc.

Gobble 'til you wobble.
Happy Thanksgiving
We do virtually everyday. Started out as a game to get the kids to talk at dinner but we answer 4 questions.
Best part of your day?
Worst part of your day?
What you are thankful for?
What do you love about yourself?

My wife being part Native American has difficulties on this day and this standing ROCK thing has us all feeling a bit down. That's all.
We donated some supplies. I wish I felt better, we would likely go join them.

Didn't mean to be a Debbie downer, just wearing my heart on my sleeve as usual.
Thanks everyone and hope you had a great day. I enjoyed a long day cooking in the kitchen one of my favorite meals and sharing it with the family. Glad to have kids, sisters and nieces all at the house with my wife. Thank you all for your participation in make this a great fly fishing community. Always a lot of fun. Happy Thanksgiving!


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Sal, it makes me feel good just knowing there's people like you and your family that actually give a sh!t.
Nice looking bird ,Dave. Glad you had a great "Turkey Day". Like you it was a family get together with my sons ,grandson's, and their girlfriends. My wife did a great job cooking a memorable dinner. Only 29 days till Christmas, got your list ready for Santa? GG
Great looking bird Dave!! Hope the day was enjoyable for all!!!! Thanks to all the help run this great site! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!