Go to/attractor nymphs

No doubt troutbert, it is a very suggestive pattern thats why its so effective. But it was designed as a crane fly larvae.
Sorry i did not see this guppie guy. It is UTC vinyl Rib in nymph. I did pm you the recipe correct?
zomg, its totally a utah prince you've tied there, Mike_Richardson.
Did anybody suggest the Whitlock Fox. Sq, nymph?

If not, I will.

Like the hare's ear and the simple muskrat glob nymph and several other fur-based nymphs, the Whitlock nymph is one of those flies that the rattier it looks, the better it works. That's a big plus in my view, because it means I can tie them somewhat sloppily and make believe that I intended to do so...

It's good with or without a bead (but not silver, which is useless) and with or without a wing case. Sizes 6-18.

I don't do photos online, but here is a pattern: http://www.flymartonline.com/modules.php?file=article&name=News&sid=295

I always carry at least 50 of them..
Go to fly here is the Pink Squirrel. #12 scud hook, gold bead, 4 strands flash, red wire rib, Whitlock Red Squirrel SLF dub, and a collar of Pink chennile.
Copper johns and phesant tail beadheads. Specifically chartruse or black CJ size 14-18 and a killer bropper fly under a dry has been a size 18-20 tunfsten black PT
Honey Bug is an awesome fly. The work great as sucker spawn. When I worked in the Lehigh Valley, I would fish the little lehigh at lunch. In early spring it wasn't uncommon to catch 5 or so fish in an hours lunch. Something about the cotton chenille makes the fly look really fleshy.
Definitely go with the walts worm.
Another vote for the Walt's Worm.
Crane Fly Larva
Copper John