Everyone who tied for the 2009 Swap hosted by Bruno



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
Everyone who tied for the 2009 Swap hosted by Bruno:

I got all the photos set up on the page here:

Tentative 2009 PAFF Swap Page

I think I have all the flies and they should be identified to each tyer. What I need is for each Tyer to:

1. check the identity of your fly;
2. Make sure the fly name is what you want it [provide the name to me how you want it];
3. Make sure your name is how you want it [provide your name to me how you want it to appear. Your real name if you wish and/or your messageboard handle];
4. provide me a recipe;
5. provide me tying instructions;
6. provide me any notes you want to appear in the page.

Finishing the page is much easier if I get the information in type, electronically so I can cut and paste it into the appropriate place.

Look at some of the other years' pages for examples of the type of information that helps make the swap pages useful to other tyers.

Post your information here or PM it to me or if you have my e-mail, you can send it that way.

BRUNO: if you want to cut and paste this post into an e-mail to each swap tyer, that may help facilitate things.

Thanks, guys. Great job with the tying!
is this for the streamer swap?
If you click the link it will show all flies submitted... to answer you question Ernie, no it was for the other swap that was in February.
Looking to hear from:

"Ryguyfi" (got it, thanks)
Tom Gamber
Steeler Bugger

Thread: Black
Hook: 2x heavy, 3x long streamer hook
Weight: lead wire for weight
Tail: Black marabou
Body: Black and Yellow Variegated Chenille
Hackle: Grizzly or Black saddle tied in tip first

Looks good! Thanks!


Hook: 12-18 nymph style of your choice
Thread: Black 6/0
Tail: Pheasant Tail fibers
Rib: Copper Wire
Body: Pheasant Tail fibers
Thorax: Peacock Herl
Hackle: Partridge

I carry this fly in several sizes all the time, so I keep it as simple as I can. I will weight this fly a couple different ways, w/ a bead or a few wraps of lead in the thorax area. I usually just build up the thorax with any left-over copper wire. Also like to use larger hackle, just a personal peference, no real reason.


Thanks for setting up the page. The photos look great. My fly really isn't a Hare's Ear, although it is tied in almost the same style.

Beaded Thorax Mayfly Nymph

Hook: Mustad 3906B #12
Bead: 5/32" brass bead
Tail: Partridge Feather Tip
Ribbing: Copper Wire - I use speaker wire stripped of the plastic insulation
Dubbing: Seal-Ex Dubbing or other nymph dubbing. These are tied with red-brown, but other colors may be used.
Wingcase: Lacquered Turkey Quill
Legs - Partridge Soft Hackle

Special Instructions: Put bead on hook and slide toward eye. Tie in tail. Dub the abdomen and rib with wire. Tie in Turkey Quill for wingcase. Apply a small amount of dubbing behind the bead. Tie in partridge fibers in front of bead. Pull wingcase over thorax dubbing, bead, and legs. Tie off head.
Antron emerging caddis pupa:

Hook: size 14-18 scud hook
Thread: olive or green to match body
Body: mint green colored antron dubbing
Ribbing: copper wire
Shuck: white antron
Head: peacock herl
you've got mine labeled midge and tied by raven456...
The index at the top has the flies I think I'm done with in blue and hyperlinked to the image and recipe. If yours is linked, make sure I got it right. If it isn't linked, I still need your recipe.
Dryer lint sowbug:

Tie in scud back material or plastic bag strip
Dub dryer lint on to a size 16 scud hook
Pull material over back, toward head and tie off.
Let's call it Sarah's Therapy:
Hook: #14 2X heavy, 2xshort scud/emerger hook
Body: green Theraband (latex-like material used for physical therapy) cut into strips approx 1/8" wide
Ribbing: fine green wire
Head: black ostrich herl
Bead: 5/32" beadhead

Slide beadhead to eye of hook
Tie wire 3/4 back
Tie theraband to same point as wire.
Wrap theraband forward using much tension to begin (keeping the wraps tighter and thinner)...ease up on the tension gradually (to thicken the body taper) until reaching the head of the fly.
Build theraband high enough to hold beadhead in place.
Wrap wire forward to head of the fly.
Tie in ostrich at head of the fly, twist it around thread (to strengthen), wrap ostrich / thread combo only a few wraps around head.
Tie off behind beadhead.

When my 3 year old daughter's Theraband broke, I quickly removed it from the garbage and put it in my fly tying room with this caddis pupa in mind. Not only does she continue to use Therabands to strengthen her once paralyzed arm, but she also helped tie every one of the flies in the swap to develop her fine motor skills.

PS. Thanks Jack!!!
Hey David,

Thats cool that your daughter helps you out and that it is good therapy for her motor skills.

My wife's uncle had a stroke around the age of 50 and his doctors told him to do things to help improve his motor skills because he lost a lot in his hands.

He now builds things daily with legos, K'Nex, and his favorite, Erector sets. His hands are almost back to normal now which is amazing. He posts all his stuff on youtube and keeps the family entertained with videos of all his toys. The first time I met him I told him he should tie flies. He said he never fly fished, but his favorite book ever was "the fly fishingest gengtleman" which he then bought me a copy 2 years ago. Read it cover to cover in about 2 weeks, which is impressive for me because I've read a grand total of about 5 books in my life lol.

Anyways, its fun to hear that other people use things like fly tying to be theraputic.

Thanks Ry!
She really enjoys it and it helps out tremendously with getting her to where she should be from a developmental standpoint.
MY fly is a Mike Heck Snowshoe emerger (Sulphur)
Hook is tmc 2487 14-18
Tail cream antron
Abdomen Orvis spectrablen nymph brown
wing Snoshoe foot natural
head orvis sulphur dry fly dubbing
nice flies guys, i like having the recipies on hand to refrence
Thanks to Bruno, JackM, and to everybody who tied. This was my first swap and really enjoyed it.

Glass Bead Head Zebra Midge:

Hook: #18 Emerger/Scud
Body: 8/0 Black
Ribbing: Small Silver Wire
Head:peacock Herl
Bead: Small Quicksilver Glass Bead

I usually tie these in sizes 18-22 and in a variety of colors (black, tan, olive brown..) The color of the bead and wire also vary according to the body color.

I caught a nice brown at Valley with your midge.
Valley seems to be the place where that fly is most effective for me. Glad to hear it. I fish them all year long, but especially in the winter and early spring. 9 times out of ten I hook up with that fly as the second in a tandem rig.