Cross forks renovo area


Aug 7, 2011
Heading to cross forks this weekend to fish the streams up there. Any good suggestions on what to use? I plan on tossing streamers most of the time in kettle creek but we might also go way off the beaten path to some small creeks to nymph a little for some brownies and brookie a. I wasn't sure if anyone has been up there recently because there aren't any stream reports for there but let me know if there is anything else we should throw in the water
I just posted a stream report for Pine/Lyman Run.

I had luck on everything from egg patterns (on Pine), to small beadhead nymphs like HE or PT. Your standard stuff. Nothin' fancy. Pulled a big black stonefly off a leaf I snagged. Only stonefly pattern I had w/ me was a amber/gold thing. It worked though. Seems they aren't being too picky right now.

Green weenies ALWAYS work on Kettle!
I'd cast some big dries if it were me.
I dry dropped with a size 12 royal wulff, a size 10 EHC, and a size 12 white wulff. Didn't raise a single fish. Doesn't mean it won't work, it just didn't work for me.
I know last November when I went up there I didn't catch a single fish on kettle but got a few fingerling browns on some tiny feeder streams on prince nymphs. Hoping streamers are the ticket for some big boys
Head north , towaeds Carter Camp above Ole Bull campground there is a special regs area right below the 144 bridge , Bunnell Pines area , more fish , bigger fish , more interesting tribs IMO GOOD LUCK!!!!
I never fished Kettle this late in the year, so I can't speak much about it. There's so much fishing in that area though, you should have no problem finding fish.
Are you talking about the ffo section at the 144 bridge?
Carter Camp is above that. You could try the BE Area.
The FFO stretch at the 144 bridge and upstream got a few batches of fresh trout in October. The stretch should be fishing pretty well right now.
Well the fly fish section was a bust pretty much. Under the bridge we caught two or three but didn't see another fish for a mile or so up stream. We went to cross forks creek and got a few nice color rainbows and two tiny brookies. Fished kettle creek near the lake and didn't do well there either but the water was at 40degrees there either way it was a good three days of fly fishing up north.
I never have much luck by the lake itself, except for SMB. Honestly, my favorite stretch is above Oleona, but I never fished it in the late fall/winter.
Normally near the lake it is great! Fish rising everywhere its on fire! But never in the fall.
I think he's talking about the upper lake at Oly Bull SP.
Ahhhhhh gotcha! Then I've fished that many times. I guess I dont' consider that a "lake" haha! I was thinking down by Alvin R dam.

That stretch down there is killer smallie water in the summer. That was the first place I ever fly fished for smallies.
It's hardly a lake, in fact we call all these impoundments lakes and they really aren't lakes, they are reservoirs or impoundments. And they nearly always turn cold water streams into warm water streams, because they don't construct them correctly. And what's worse is that many are constructed on DCNR Land.
Word. The water above the "lake" at Ole Bull is considerably better, that's for sure. Have you ever fished below Alvin R Bush? I never went that far down stream.
Below Alvin Bush Dam it is stocked to Owl Hollow. For the record, I don't fish the stocked water on Kettle, and I've never had a bad day of fishing anywhere in the drainage, in spite of the fact it's one of the latest watersheds to warm up in the spring.
I always wondered about it, but never tried it. I'm a bit with you, I tend to fish higher up, althought I do fish the FFO C&R section quite a bit. That's nostalgic for me, though. That is where I learned to fly fish, so stocked or not, its "special" to me.

My family has rented one of those Kettle Creek Cabins there at the interesection of 144 and 44 for over 15 years. I LOVE the stretch of Kettle that flows behind those cabins. My brother and I would walk up that stream for miles and miles some days. Saw lots of bears back in those hills.