
C'mon RedRock. You're holding out on us. Where's that box with those Sulpher Emergers?;-)
That's more like it. I'll take 2 dozen:)
these are my babies lol -- green drakes -- i came up with a green drake emerger that killed them on penns.

Festus -- what pattern would you like and size

Looks like you need one of them chest boxes with all the trays!
Nice bunch of fur and feathers.
Wow !!!!!!!! I mean, Wow !!!!!!!! I got some flies tied, but not of that sheer magnitude. Wow !!!!! Fetus, redrock, & blue you guys have more flies together than the foremost outfitter. (They don't need a plug) wow!!!!!!!
There is no organization to this what so ever ! But i know whats where.


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I have the magnifier--it does not get in the way.
Replenishing the boxes! Dries dont those







Gribble your a man of my likin' great steelhead tyies there. Tuff sleddin up in erie this year for me. I never hit the streams @ the right time. They either looked like ragin' rapids or were as clear as moonshine.
Thanks....I grew up on the GL and used to fish them all! I still fish them but not as often as I used to! I used to fish PA, and I can remember fishing Crooked creek and seeing only 3 other anglers a day! lol... Those days are long gone! I just stick to Ohio, and NY also if anyone needs general fishign conditions of either or both just PM me I would be happy to help! No access questions please, buit I will help with creek conditions anytime!
Looks like some real bombs in there Grib!
Yea, a fine assortment , I'm sure!
Redrock...........i like the z-lon trailing shuck in there , at times it's at precisely that second when the trout will take , as if they know the insect is at its most vulnerable when it's stuck in the shuck