Black caddis



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
Taken on the back door of my house. Feel free to correct or add details...


Looks more like a stonefly to me.
When did you see it? If it was lately, I would definitely guess stone
Middle of May last year.
I believe that's a stonefly as well. Could be wrong.
I was leaning that way, but wasn't totally convinced. Either way, when it's figured out, mods please fix up the title.
I'm leaning towards caddis. Wing looks tented unless that's just camera angle.
Agree with fox...some kind of sedge.
just look at the head that will tell you, Stone fly not caddis.. I need to know what county or area it was found to determine species..
Yeah, that big head and thick antennae looks like a stone to me, as does the outer edge of the wing.

I'm not even sure it's an aquatic - perhaps some type of terrestrial.

Beats me.
It's an alderfly. Not sure how important these are, but I always see a few during prime time.
alder fly is right

Alderfly family(Sialidae)
larva- 10-25 mm in length. Adult 20 mm. with blackish or dark brown wings. Abundance varies from area to area. only the genus (Sialis) (20 or more species in north america)

taken from Aquatic Entomoligy by: W. Patrick McCafferty


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It's not a stone fly, I'm inclined to say caddis,because when I typed alder fly into google all the images looked like caddis to me except a couple. If someone that is an expert tells me it's an alder fly I'd believe them because you just don't see them very often in PA.
its an alder dude I looked it up in my entomoligy book with pictures..
No hairs on the wings, not caddis.
If I remember correctly THAT is THE Hatch on the Housatonic. I never made it there for that one, but I have heard stories.
Sandfly is correct obviously:


Sialis lutaria

or similar:
Ah. The old cialis bug. I get many a cryptic email about him, but it's mostly spam.
Do you ever wonder whether former girlfriends may have put you on the "enlargement" spam list? Me neither.