2015 Jam Roll Call Thread

add me to that list


Swattiie87: Th/pm - Sun /am
JackM: Fri/pm - Sun pm
Pro4mance: Wed- Sun
echuck66: Fri/pm - Tues/am
Aducker: Wed/am - Sun
Fishiot: Fri-Sun
DanL: Fri-Wed
lv2nymph: Wed - Sun
GenCon: Th/am -- Sunday/am
dc410 Wed - Sun
gulfgreyhound: Tues - Sun
FarmerDave: Tues -Sun
Mark (bunnie) Fri/pm - Sun/pm
Fishwagen - Wed (mid-day) - Sun (mid-day)
Grizz - Fri (am) - Wed
Pcray - Fri (pm) - Wed (am)
Boyer-Wed/late am--Sun/am
Maurice - Late Friday/Sunday mid-day or into dark if conditions warrant.
Ryguyfi -Friday evening through Sunday afternoon.
Brutus - Wed (am) - Sun
dkile - Fri-Su
lestrout - Fri-Su (am)
greenghost - Thursday - Sunday (possibly Saturday..)
Hack - Thursday Eve - Sunday
Bruno -
JF_ - Fri to Sun am, staying at my cabin at Hemlock Acres


2006/9/15 15:26

From Schuylkill County

Posts: 655


Swattiie87: Th/pm - Sun /am
JackM: Fri/pm - Sun pm
Pro4mance: Wed- Sun
echuck66: Fri/pm - Tues/am
Aducker: Wed/am - Sun
Fishiot: Fri-Sun
DanL: Fri-Wed
lv2nymph: Wed - Sun
GenCon: Th/am -- Sunday/am
dc410 Wed - Sun
gulfgreyhound: Tues - Sun
FarmerDave: Tues -Sun
Mark (bunnie) Fri/pm - Sun/pm
Fishwagen - Wed (mid-day) - Sun (mid-day)
Grizz - Fri (am) - Wed
Pcray - Fri (pm) - Wed (am)
Boyer-Wed/late am--Sun/am
Maurice - Late Friday/Sunday mid-day or into dark if conditions warrant.
Ryguyfi -Friday evening through Sunday afternoon.
Brutus - Wed (am) - Sun
dkile - Fri-Su
lestrout - Fri-Su (am)
greenghost - Thursday - Sunday (possibly Saturday..)
Hack - Thursday Eve - Sunday
Bruno - 
JF_ - Fri to Sun am, staying at my cabin at Hemlock Acres
tomgamber...at this point late friday to sun with both sons. One just completed kinesiology004. ;-)

Friday after dark to Sunday mid-day or possibly afternoon. Short trip for me this time around..
I'm in, 15th thru 17th. I will however be staying in State College.
New member here! I'm a pretty experienced fly angler, but still have a great deal to learn. I'm available to fish Friday-Sunday. I live in State College and will probably spend the nights at home. I would love to meet up with some members to help me decipher Penns Creek, but am willing to head anywhere. My number is (814) 574-5339. Thanks to anyone who's willing to help out.
Dude, just show up one evening. Talk to the late arrivers who don't get out that day, and wait around for those out fishing to return (can be as late as 10:30 or so till everyone gets in). There will be food, drink, and much merriment between a bunch of people who are only semi-familiar with one another. Friday and Saturday evenings will have the most ppl. Just jump in a conversation and get to know people.

Nobody who is physically present at these things has any trouble finding someone to fish with. But if you don't physically show, keep in mind that nobody will be "lonely" either. Plus, they'll be camping with limited or no access to the board. Asking them to call you is probably not the best approach.

Update. Fri p.m. to THURSDAY morning for me. With one guest (Scott, who has attended recent jams with me).
Hi, Ive been on the board a few years but not very active. I'll be there tonight through Sunday morning. I have a young family so dont get out much but I decided I had to come for this. Looking forward to fishing and getting to know some people.

Might swing by Saturday evening with the dog to hand out and have a beer or two. Hell, I might even bring a fish pole if I leave early enough.