2012 Quill Gordon Summit 2012 - movies



Active member
Jan 11, 2009
2012 Quill Gordon Summit ,April 20-22nd, 2012
Potter County, PA
Two short movies




Quill Gordon 2012 - Summit

Quill Gordon 2012 - Summit II

Nice video like usual sky. I laughed a couple times, because I know how it feels to be on the other aide of the camera with you. I could here your voice in my mind giving direction. Nice to see chooch and the epic beard in the video.
Great stuff Jared! It really turned out great. Look forward to seeing you at he Jam.
I love it!
Oh man I can't wait to get off work and watch these!
Great work Jared.

Oddly I don't recall drinking THAT much...
Ha! That's funny because watching it, I was thinking the same thing. The wife knew better though. She enjoyed the videos also.
Hahaha! Coty you didn't drink that much...compared to the first night ;-)
It happens.
So awesome. I can't wait to watch these things.

The best part was when csoult and I were down stream of everyone. We hear my dad hook into a trout, and we hear Skybay saying, "okay now play it, play it, don't land him yet! Play him! Play him!" hahahaha!
Freaking awesome. I can't believe how much of the "round table discussion" from Saturday night you put in that 2nd video! One pan left would have shown me passed out on the sofa haha!
BTW-I didn't think you guys were drinking that much in the video!

GREAT job on the video. I think I talk to much I always though I was the quite one, Wrong. I just wanted to say again I had a great time and I'll definitely be looking forward to next year with you guys and hopefully a few other Paflyfish members.
Wetfly, were you originally from picksburg?

You give there – in the cabin quite a few insights into many aspects of FF, including your renovate wet fly and more.

There is great video of David’s wet fly on his website. (The website address of ‘the wet fly water guides’ in the credits of the 2nd video)
The vid is not the best tech quality but is full of good wits and concepts worth to share on the paflyfish.
PS: any feedback to the shorts is very appreciate.
Great video as always Jared. I can't believe you guys spot burned the Little J when you didn't even fish it... I wish I would have made the effort to attend.
Little J? Oh...thats that river with all those angry bees. Im done with that place.

Jared, excellent videos. I cant imagine how much editing you did. It was a killer time and I learned a lot from everyone.