2007 Fishing Licenses On Sale Now



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
As I usually remind everyone, the 2007 Fishing License goes on sale December 1 (today), the year before. You can get one early and replace your 2006 license since the new one is valid immediately.
I just bought my License on line it was real simple no lines or annoying people plus I printed 3 in case I loose 2 . I would deffinetly recommend getting your license online :pint:
Fredrick - don’t let Maurice find out about you printing “extra” licenses………he’ll chew your head off like a when a big brown trout attacks a wounded creek chub! I think he gets cut from the PFBC for lost license fees paid.
Anyone provide insight on the situation with those neat trout stamps? I did the on-line thing one year, but liked the idea of having a nice shiny stickum stamp, so I've been doing the old fashioned way since.

Oops, Did I type what I was thinking again, sorry If I took some of your cut Maurice .If it makes you feel better I paid for two last year because those License holders never hold up....... :lol:
Lestrout - I don’t know for sure, but my best guess is that the “nice shiny stickum” trout stamps will be a thing of the past come this spring. My understanding is that your driver’s license is scanned, and your fishing license with all your info, is printed out on the spot. I doubt that the trout stamp will be affixed afterwards. Perhaps the manual system with stamps will be still available for those who do not have a driver's license. You can call the PFBC to find out for sure.

The system is a definite leap forward. The PFBC will have a electronic listing of all license buyers. Verification of a valid license will be very simple. I would hope that WCOs will have laptops, and have the capability to verify a license without having a fisherman mail in their license for verification.

Maurice is surely in the loop with this license info, maybe he can tell us.
The system is a definite leap forward. The PFBC will have a electronic listing of all license buyers. Verification of a valid license will be very simple. I would hope that WCOs will have laptops, and have the capability to verify a license without having a fisherman mail in their license for verification.

if this is true then hopefully they will have a way of verifying people who buy the trout stamp. when you lose your license, if you keep the afixed recipt you can get a new license at no cost. but you have to rebuy the trout stamp. now maybe you wont have to. :-D

You need to work on your comprehension skills...I was the one to first state that I print more than one in response to some posters 'chicken little" rant about it being fraud.

I think I even mentioned the part about him getting a cut.

...for the record.

I can vouch for Maurice.

I don't recall the whole blow up over multiple printings. But if it involves saving money or gettin' somethin' for nuttin', chances are, Maurice is on it.
Thanks Pad...I think?? :roll: