#1 Go to fly



Well-known member
Oct 18, 2006
What's your #1 go to fly?
Mine...size 14 Beadhead softhackle pheasant tail.

Well, on larger streams, probably a #16 PT nymph.

Brookie streams: #14 Parachute Adams
For a nymph it would be a #14 soft hackle beadhead pheasant tail. For a dry it would be a #14 Adams Wulff. It really depends on the water and time of year, but those two flies would serve me well on a lot of PA freestone streams for much of the season.

#8 woolly bugger (olive). I can catch about anything on any size stream (warm or cold) :)
#16 EHC, palmered.
+1 ^
BradFromPotter wrote:
What's your #1 go to fly?
Mine...size 14 Beadhead softhackle pheasant tail.


The Wulff, of course. Royal. Dubbing on a scud if nymphing.
For brookie streams I like a size 14 Royal Wulff dry. For nymphing just about anywhere a BH Pheasant tail or GR Hares ear in size 14.
In Potter I like a Zug Bug tied on behind a Green Weenie. Catch a lot of fish with this rig.
small brookie stream, adams. larger stream orange san juan
I usually ALWAYS start my day out w/ a size 14 EHC w/ a HE dropped off....that's two flies, but hey. One rig.
I have caught more fish, without a doubt, on a gold ribbed hares ear soft hackle, size 14. A close second would be a bead head olive wooly bugger - like Patrick said, you can catch just about anything on any stream with that fly.
I suppose for trout it would be a foam beetle. For bass and salt, a Clouser Minnow.
size 14 prince nymph
Midge pattern, size 24, various colors.
Now that the spring hatches are just about over - first thing I will usually try is a crowe beetle, and will likley be "the fly" for the rest of the year.
PatrickC wrote:
#8 woolly bugger (olive). I can catch about anything on any size stream (warm or cold) :)

+1 for the olive wollybugger. That or any kind of olive streamer. The only time I don't have good luck w streamers is in really low water conditions w stockies.
Size 14 PT, copper bead and flashback.