2nd Annual Sandy Hook Jam 11-11-12 Be Ready



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
We will be having the second annual Sandy Hook Jam on 11-11 this year . I don't want any scheduling conflicts this year with the people who like to fish for the stockies. :p We will probably be staying at the Fairbanks again this year more details will be posted as we get closer to Nov. The hotel has a very nice restaurant right next store that has a OK beer selection and fine Italian cuisine . So add this date to you calendars people . We had a blast last year hopefully we will have a better one this year . I'm looking forward to see how some of you have progressed since the last time I seen you wet a line.
Sounds like a plan. Hopefully 2012 will see another great fall run like 2011. Springtime this year might be decent too.
awesome, last yr was a great time. i'll certainly be more prepared and experienced this yr. i'm looking forward to this, already marked the calendar.
Was a great time last year.
I may have to check out my calendar on this since I'm not making my annual OBX trip this summer. Gonna have to get a "salt fix" somewhere!
I'm going to try to organize some small excursions this spring also if anyone is interested
I'll be there for the fall Jam. Keep me posted about the spring excursions, it depends on my schedule.
Looks like you guys had a great time last time. I'll be there with brand new gear and flies.
I never did ANYTHING like this. Where is this at? What can I expect to pay for the license and accomedations?

What kind of equipment would I need? I have a 9'8wt, that's my largest rod.
Definitely going to try to make it again this year. Had a great time last year.

Also - keep me posted on the spring excursions - if i can make it out, i willl!!!!!
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I never did ANYTHING like this. Where is this at? What can I expect to pay for the license and accomedations?

What kind of equipment would I need? I have a 9'8wt, that's my largest rod.

By all means give it a try. It will definitely broaden your fly fishing perspective and you'll have fun with your PAFF buddies even if the fish don't bite.
The location is in northern New Jersey - you'll be fishing right on the beach. I'm not sure how far - it would be closer for you, probably in the range of a three hour drive. You won't need a license (this could change) but will need to register online. You can use your 8WT. An 8WT is on the light side - most striper fishermen use 9 or 10Wts but an 8WT will suffice. Accommodations are up to you - it's off season and with some searching you should be able to find a cheap hotel.
Take some time to check out some of the salt water threads here on PAFF as there is lots of info on fishing the NJ shore.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I never did ANYTHING like this. Where is this at? What can I expect to pay for the license and accomedations?

What kind of equipment would I need? I have a 9'8wt, that's my largest rod.

That's plenty big enough.


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Thanks Dave (not the farmer...who in true form only offers humor and no real advice haha!)

Do I have to make one of those stripping basket thingies? I can make one out of a dish washing basin, right? haha!

I would love to try this out. If there is no license cost and its w/in a 3 hour drive, I see no reason why I couldn't get up for at least Saturday.
Meh nevermind. I'll be up at the cabin in Potter for my daughter's first birthday that weekend. I'll be closer to the big stockies ;-)

Please keep me updated on any quick jonts up there that anyone might be taking. I'd like to try this salt water thing!

Did someone say that 8 WT is not big enough?;-)

BTW, you should also be concerned about the reel. Is it suitable for salt water?

Just something to keep in the back of your skull.
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I'll be closer to the big stockies ;-)

MAYBE dude. I'll still be about 3 hours from you guys haha! I will be up there for my youngest daughter's 1st birthday so....no promises!

However its Veteran's Day weekend, we'll be up Friday through Monday, I spec I'll be able to get away for one day. The question is, do I want to stay in God's Country fishin' for trout, or do I want to drive 3 hours one way to throw beer tabs at big stockers?
ryguyfi wrote:
The_Sasquatch wrote:
I'll be closer to the big stockies ;-)


I didn't want him coming anyway he called me short