Not in SE PA



Sep 9, 2006
Surprised this has not been commented on. If I were living were living in the 'swiss cheese' area of PA I'd feel like I just got slapped in the face!

What a joke.
yes, it is a slap in the face, what a bunch of A-HOLES.
people wonder why I hate this industry, politicians, and this state in general.
because they all F'n suck!
F them all! may they get fracked right up their you know whats.
funny thing is, to my knowledge, those counties don't even lie over the marcellus region, but perhaps they are over the utica shale. either way, they should drill waste injection wells on all the politicians properties.
bastards. I'm F'n mad now.
George Orwell - "Animal Farm":

"All animals are equal"

After Pigs revision:

"All animals are equal; some are more equal that others"
I'll risk stating the obvious here just to make sure we're all on the same page...

The wealthy politicians/CEOs/whoever that actually live in Bucks and Montgomery don't want this crap in their backyard. Outta sight, outta mind i guess... Douchebags...
There is very little gas in that area. With the current gas prices you won't see any companies really wanting to drill out that way anytime soon. The ban is pointless no use getting all worked up about it.
Its the idea of it. "All fine and good, but not where i live!"
They have been drilling gas well in western pa longer than anywhere. The first oil well is up in Titusville. you can ban something that is a major part of the regional make up. The oil and gas drilling has been keep people employed for over 100 years in western pa.

No one wants to drill in bucks county there is no profitable gas there! Its like banning fracking in downtown Pittsburgh who cares you can get a well there anyway.
MHanes, I don't think your understanding us here. we all know the companies will drill, we all know the history of gas and oil in PA. the problem lies with the politicians that pass laws that prohibit local authorities from any say in where, how,when or what gets drilled, then some of these same politicians sneak in a law that allows their home counties to be exempt from said law. double standard at it's finest. THAT is whats wrong here.
my point is them sneaking in there little law is pointless there is nothing there to drill. I agree is messed they can do that but it really means nothing to any of the drilling companies.

I'm in the next district over but I do not support this exclusion. There is some talk about test wells in the Nockamixon area which is in McIlhinney's district.
The gas there is not Marcellus Shale gas, my understanding is they are straight wells, and not horizontal ones. No fracking required.
Then why even ban it, makes it more of a boneheaded move. Goes to show what true idiots are in the political ring.
No Idea, but it sure raised one heck of a stink.
Why ban it? Easy, they don’t want it in their backyard unless they get something out of it and they had the power and ability to do it. Politics is all about power and money and money controls power and power controls money. The fact that there may not be sufficient gas reserves for a company to invest money in is totally irrelevant, they want to make sure it isn’t ever going to happen and/or make it extremely painful for the gas company to get permits (read extremely painful as, “extort additional concessions.”)

Politicians are not idiots, they are scumbags and crooks finding a way to line their pockets at the expense of the taxpayers while creating the illusion that what they are doing is in the best interest of their constituents when it really is self-serving. And they get reelected. Nothing a politician does is truly in the best interest of their constituents – everything has an angle – some are just more obvious than others.

And next year these politicians will return the favor to those other politicians who voted for it or kept their mouth shut and allowed it to pass.

It’s how it works.
The gas there is not Marcellus Shale gas, my understanding is they are straight wells, and not horizontal ones. No fracking required.

Incorrect. Straight wells are hydrofracked as well. We've been fracking in PA for a VERY long time, well before Marcellus came around.

That said, with shallower depths, no horizontal component, and smaller holes, the amount of water used is FAR less, as are the pressures required.

It was my understanding that these bucks county wells would not require any fracking. I could be wrong though.
I wouldn't rule out horizontal drilling either. There are a few companies here in SWPA that are rediscovering older shallow formations and drilling horizontally for gas and oil. I am not familiar just yet with the formation in SEPA that they are discussing, but it won't be very different from some other play in the Appalachian basin.
Remember this is a news report. What counts is the language in the bill. I have not investigated that.
'Politicians are not idiots, they are scumbags and crooks finding a way to line their pockets at the expense of the taxpayers while creating the illusion that what they are doing is in the best interest of their constituents when it really is self-serving. And they get reelected. Nothing a politician does is truly in the best interest of their constituents – everything has an angle – some are just more obvious than others."

This is very gross overgeneralization and part of the reason our government runs the way it does-- the people who want honest government drop-out because of the prevelance of this stereotype. I know many public servants (what you call "politicians") who are honest and not doing what you seem to accuse all of them of doing. Carry on, if you want to debate the point, we should start a thread in OT.
Started a political thread in the OT forum