Rio shares some fly line cleaning tips -part 2

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Thanks Dave for that bit of information.

Also, an article appeared in magazines and later reprinted in PA Angler about that catch. I believe it was titled the King of the LeTort.

I think the Letort Regulars actually named the fish (George??) and Charlie Fox would laugh at Ed whenever he would show up soaking wet from his battle, and loss, with George from the previous times he hooked it and lost it.

I'll see if I can find a copy of the article. Maybe PA Angler Archives would have it .
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Different fish and different "Ed." :)

"Old George" - a fish of about the same size - was caught two years later by Ed Shenk.
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FI - thanks for this article. Been several years since I've been in YBO but I never knew this famous trout is hanging in there. "This Wonderful World of Trout" is my favorite fishing book. I love the stories and characters in the second half of the book. My username comes from one of the stories. I'm guessing the fictional characters were based on real people including Fox, Koch and others.
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Thanks for the excellent article. I have very fond memories of Ed and his shop. Got hooked on fly fishing after discovering Fishing the Midge in the local library when is wad in 6th or 7th grade. I saved my money from a year of shoveling snow, mowing lawns, and delivering newspapers to purchase my first fly rod from Ed a year later in 1971. Really came to enjoy just hanging out absorbing everything I could through listening to Ed and his many notable visitors. I never tire from hearing that story. Still have that rod and the Richardson chest box I purchased a couple of years later.

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Lol... my middle-age memory is a bit muddled...:-D
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Found a bigger fish taken from the LeTort while perusing through old PA Anglers.

Terry Ward of Chambersburg caught a 10 pound monster on a streamer during the summer of '69. (Not sure how to upload a pic here, so I'll post it in the regular forum.)

Amazing size fish from the LeTort back in the day!
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What about Streams with Natural Reproduction? Those are some of the best. No vote.
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That's what I was thinking too. Class A or not does not factor into which wild trout streams I fish, although the ones closest to me all happen to be class A.
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And there are far more wild trout streams than class a streams and thousands of miles more too.
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My vote too was for this non-existent option. All Wilderness streams and Class A streams automatically qualify for the Natural Reproduction stream, but there are quite a few streams that have neither the remoteness nor the biomass to qualify for one of the other designation, but are still fun to fish.
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